DescriptionThe Clock and the Quantum: Time and Quantum Foundations
Displaying 1 - 12 of 29
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The Theory of Duration and Clocks
Julian Barbour University of Oxford
Clocks and time in quantum theory
Harvey Brown University of Oxford
Why Constructive Relativity Fails
John Norton University of Pittsburgh
Philosophical Theories of Time meet Quantum Gravity
Phil Dowe University of Queensland
Thinking Inside the Box: Weakly Measuring Postselected Ensembles
Aephraim Steinberg University of Toronto
Relational time and intrinsic decoherence.
Gerard Milburn University of Queensland
Decoherence and the (non)emergence of classicality.
Steve Weinstein University of Waterloo
Quantum reference frames and relationalism in quantum theory
Stephen Bartlett University of Sydney
From Information Geometry to Quantum Theory
Philip Goyal State University of New York (SUNY)