
Introduction to Algorithmic Information Theory and Tutorial


Hutter, M. (2018). Introduction to Algorithmic Information Theory and Tutorial. Perimeter Institute. https://pirsa.org/18040109


Hutter, Marcus. Introduction to Algorithmic Information Theory and Tutorial. Perimeter Institute, Apr. 11, 2018, https://pirsa.org/18040109


          @misc{ pirsa_PIRSA:18040109,
            doi = {10.48660/18040109},
            url = {https://pirsa.org/18040109},
            author = {Hutter, Marcus},
            keywords = {Quantum Foundations},
            language = {en},
            title = {Introduction to Algorithmic Information Theory and Tutorial},
            publisher = {Perimeter Institute},
            year = {2018},
            month = {apr},
            note = {PIRSA:18040109 see, \url{https://pirsa.org}}

Marcus Hutter Australian National University

Talk numberPIRSA:18040109
Talk Type Conference


The progression of theories suggested for our world, from ego- to geo- to helio-centric models to universe and multiverse theories and beyond, shows one tendency: The size of the described worlds increases, with humans being expelled from their center to ever more remote and random locations. If pushed too far, a potential theory of everything (TOE) is actually more a theories of nothing (TON). Indeed such theories have already been developed. I show that including observer localization into such theories is necessary and sufficient to avoid this problem. I develop a quantitative recipe to identify TOEs and distinguish them from TONs and theories in-between. This precisely shows what the problem is with some recently suggested universal TOEs.