
Persistent currents in atomtronic circuits: a continuous matrix product state approach


Draxler, D. (2015). Persistent currents in atomtronic circuits: a continuous matrix product state approach. Perimeter Institute. https://pirsa.org/15120026


Draxler, Damian. Persistent currents in atomtronic circuits: a continuous matrix product state approach. Perimeter Institute, Dec. 16, 2015, https://pirsa.org/15120026


          @misc{ pirsa_PIRSA:15120026,
            doi = {10.48660/15120026},
            url = {https://pirsa.org/15120026},
            author = {Draxler, Damian},
            keywords = {Condensed Matter},
            language = {en},
            title = {Persistent currents in atomtronic circuits: a continuous matrix product state approach},
            publisher = {Perimeter Institute},
            year = {2015},
            month = {dec},
            note = {PIRSA:15120026 see, \url{https://pirsa.org}}

Damian Draxler University of Vienna

Talk Type Scientific Series


In the rst part of this talk I will give a brief introduction to the variational class of continuous
matrix product states (cMPS). Then I will present a time evolution algorithm for cMPS with periodic
boundary conditions. In the second part, I will explain how to apply this method to simulate
atomtronic circuits. In particular, I will show results for persistent currents in an interacting bose
gas rotating in a ring shaped trap in the presence of an arti cial U(1) gauge potential.