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The reconstruction of the CMB lensing bispectrum


Kalaja, A. (2022). The reconstruction of the CMB lensing bispectrum. Perimeter Institute.

Alba Kalaja

University of Groningen

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Weak gravitational lensing by the intervening large-scale structure (LSS) of the Universe is the leading non-linear effect on the anisotropies of the cosmic microwave background (CMB). The integrated line-of-sight gravitational potential that causes the distortion can be reconstructed from the lensed temperature and polarization anisotropies via estimators quadratic in the CMB modes. While previous studies have focused on the lensing power spectrum, upcoming experiments will be sensitive to the bispectrum of the lensing field, sourced by the non-linear evolution of structure. The detection of such a signal would provide additional information on late-time cosmological evolution, complementary to the power spectrum.

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