MeV Sterile Neutrinos in Light of the Cabibbo-Angle Anomaly
The mixing angles of the quark sectors are constrained by unitarity in the standard model. However, recent data indicates a about 3 sigma deviation from unitarity in the mixing angle between the 1st and 2nd generation down-type quarks, known as the Cabibbo angle anomaly. The observations include the charged-current weak decays of neutrons, nuclei, kaons, and the hadronic decay of tau leptons. Although the issue appears to lie in the quark sector, modifying the neutrino sector may offer a solution. In this talk, we discuss recent findings that suggest a sterile neutrino of MeV mass mixing with the electron-type neutrino can resolve the Cabibbo angle anomaly. We also examine the current bounds and future prospects of this scenario.
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