Postdoc UnConference & Lightning Talks 2024

Collection Number
Collection Type
Thursday Unconference - Cancelled

Oct 16 event has been cancelled and will be rescheduled in November - Lightning talks on Friday will still proceed

Unlike traditional conferences, an unconference is a participant-driven meeting that prioritizes informal discussions on topics of interest to the participants.  Sessions consist of discussions in small breakout groups. The topics for discussion get proposed and voted on early during a mingler event, and the schedule is made up on the spot from these suggestions.

Any and all topics pertinent to Perimeter postdocs can be proposed as the focus of a session. The following are some examples of topics that you might suggest:

• Recent progress in field X and why researchers in field Y should take notice
• Why gravity does/doesn’t need to be quantized
• The implications of chat-GPT for theoretical physics
• The correct interpretation of quantum theory is X
• The correct account of dark matter is X 
• What role can physicists play in climate action?
• The future of scientific publishing
• Physics outreach in the age of social media
• The role of information theory in modern physics
• How to make scientific conferences more productive

Please think of at least one topic that you would like to discuss prior to the event!

Max 32 participants - Open ONLY to PI Resident Postdocs Postdoc Affairs Committee will be moderating participants.

Friday Lightning Talks

PI Resident Postdocs are encouraged to register to attend the session (max 48 audience), and to submit a Lightning Talk via the Call for Abstracts (max  18 talks).