Quantum Gravity (Elective), PHYS 644, February 24 - March 28, 2025

13 talks
Collection NumberC25014
Collection TypeCourse
DescriptionThe main goal of this course is to show in which ways General Relativity (GR) is similar, and especially in which ways it is different, from other gauge theories. The largest component of the course is dedicated to studying the specific symmetry structure of GR and how it intimately relates to its dynamics. To do so, we will introduce a host of concepts and techniques, broadly (and loosely) known under the name of “Covariant Phase Space Method”. This provides a different perspective on GR’s physics, a perspective in which phase space, rather than spacetime, is front and center. Along the way we will take a few detours: we will explore (parts of) the historical debate on whether gravity should be quantized at all, discuss how to think of time evolution when there is no absolute time, and go through Wald’s proposal of black hole entropy as a Noether charge. The intended outcome of the course is to provide a new perspective on GR which, hopefully, will inform you on why it is much harder to quantize than other theories – especially from a non-perturbative perspective. In this sense the course always keeps an eye on Quantum Gravity, even though there will be very little “quantum” in it. It is also a course that does not hinge on any specific approach to the quantization of gravity. Also, it is worth noting that the covariant phase space techniques are broadly used in the current literature on the black hole information paradox, soft symmetries, and holography, and is therefore a useful tool to learn if you are interested in any of these topics. Instructor: Aldo Riello Students who are not part of the PSI MSc program should review enrollment and course format information here: https://perimeterinstitute.ca/graduate-courses
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