Quantum gravity is concerned with unifying Einstein's general theory of relativity with quantum theory into a single theoretical framework. At Perimeter Institute, researchers are actively pursuing a number of approaches to this problem including loop quantum gravity, spin foam models, asymptotic safety, emergent gravity, string theory, and causal set theory. We are also particularly interested in experimental implications of these different proposals. As the aim is a unification of the laws of physics into a single theory, the search for quantum gravity overlaps with other areas such as cosmology, particle physics and the foundations of quantum theory.
Format results
6 talks-Collection NumberC25014
Lecture - Quantum Gravity, PHYS 644
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Lecture - Quantum Gravity, PHYS 644
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Lecture - Quantum Gravity, PHYS 644
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Lecture - Quantum Gravity, PHYS 644
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Lecture - Quantum Gravity, PHYS 644
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Lecture - Quantum Gravity, PHYS 644
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
50 Years of Horndeski Gravity: Exploring Modified Gravity
46 talks-Collection NumberC24019Talk
Horndeski Gravity in Cosmology
Leiden University -
How we rediscovered Horndeski gravity
Institut d'Astrophysique de Paris -
Black holes in Horndeski theories
The French National Centre for Scientific Research -
Hi-COLA: Horndeski Goes Non-linear
University of Portsmouth -
Photon Rings and Shadow Size for General Axi-Symmetric and Stationary Integrable spacetimes
perimeter institute and university of WaterlooPIRSA:24070086 -
Quantum Gravity 2023/24
13 talks-Collection NumberC24024Talk
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Puzzles in the Quantum Gravity Landscape: viewpoints from different approaches
34 talks-Collection NumberC23033Talk
Lessons of the Effective Field Theory Treatment of General Relativity
University of Massachusetts Amherst -
Positivity Bounds and Effective Fields Theories (A Review)
Imperial College London -
Holography and its implications for quantum gravity - VIRTUAL
University of Würzburg -
Piecing Together a Flat Hologram
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Open Discussion with today's speakers (Donoghue, Erdmenger, Montero, Pasterski, Tolley)
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Würzburg
IFT Madrid
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Imperial College London
Panel Discussion - Strengths and limitations of EFT (Donoghue, Knorr, Montero, Quevedo, Tolley)
University of Massachusetts Amherst
IFT Madrid
University of Cambridge
Aix-Marseille University
Imperial College London
It from Qubit 2023
38 talks-Collection NumberC23021Talk
Talk 44 - Large N von Neumann Algebras and the renormalization of Newton's constant
California Institute of Technology (Caltech) -
Talk 88 - Type II_1 algebras for local subregions in quantum gravity
University of Amsterdam -
Talk 124 - von Neumann algebras in JT gravity with matter
Massachusetts Institute of Technology -
Talk 61 - Horizons are Watching You
Gautam Satishchandran -
An SYK model with a scaling similarity.
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS) -
Petz recovery from subsystems in conformal field theory
Stanford University -
Talk 41 - Mutual Information of Holographic Generalized Free Fields
Instituto Balseiro
Quantum Simulators of Fundamental Physics
23 talks-Collection NumberC23019Talk
Simulating one-dimensional quantum chromodynamics on a quantum computer: Real-time evolutions of tetra- and pentaquarks
Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC) -
Five short talks - see description for talk titles
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Invisible Technologies
- Leonardo Solidoro, Pietro Smaniotto, Kate Brown
First observations of false vacuum decay in a BEC
Newcastle University -
Building Quantum Simulators for QuFTs
Technical University of Vienna -
Quantum Spacetime in the Cosmos: From Conception to Reality
32 talks-Collection NumberC23035Talk
Welcome and Opening Remarks
University of Waterloo & Perimeter Institute -
Quantum Gravity and its connection to observations
Universität Heidelberg -
The Spacetime of Acceleration
King's College London -
What is the simplicity of the early universe trying to tell us?
University of Edinburgh -
Are we considering enough? Inclusivity in Quantum Gravity and Cosmology
University of Edinburgh -
Emergent Metric Space-Time from the BFSS Matrix Model
McGill University - Department of Physics
Horizon entropy and the Einstein equation
4 talks-Collection NumberC23029Talk
Horizon entropy and the Einstein equation - Lecture 20230221
University of Maryland, College Park -
Horizon entropy and the Einstein equation - Lecture 20230223
University of Maryland, College Park -
Horizon entropy and the Einstein equation - Lecture 20230228
University of Maryland, College Park -
Horizon entropy and the Einstein equation - Lecture 20230302
University of Maryland, College Park
Quantum Gravity Around the Corner
29 talks-Collection NumberC22029Talk
Welcome & Opening Remarks
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Review Talk: A primer on the covariant phase space formalism
Technische Universität Wien -
Review Talk: A primer on the covariant phase space formalism cont.
Technische Universität WienPIRSA:22100003 -
Review Talk: An introduction to coadjoint orbits
University of Mons -
Review Talk: An introduction to coadjoint orbits cont.
University of Mons -
Gong Show
University of Mons
Aix-Marseille University
Charles University
University of Tehran
Technische Universität Wien
Local Holography and corner symmetry: A paradigm for quantum gravity
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Residual gauge symmetries in the front form
École Normale Supérieure de Lyon (ENS Lyon)
Quantum Gravity 2020
22 talks-Collection NumberC20031Talk
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Approaches to Quantum Gravity: Key Achievements and Open Issues
Max-Planck-Institut für Gravitationsphysik -
Quantum gravity from the loop perspective
Aix-Marseille University -
Lessons for quantum gravity from quantum information theory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) -
Understanding of QG from string theory
Princeton University -
Progress in horizon thermodynamics
University of Cambridge -
Asymptotically Safe Amplitudes from the Quantum Effective Action
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen -
The Remarkable Roundness of the Quantum Universe
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
PSI 2019/2020 - Quantum Gravity Part 1
6 talks-Collection NumberC20014Talk
PSI 2019/2020 - Quantum Gravity Part 1 - Lecture 1
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
PSI 2019/2020 - Quantum Gravity Part 1 - Lecture 2
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
PSI 2019/2020 - Quantum Gravity Part 1 - Lecture 3
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
PSI 2019/2020 - Quantum Gravity Part 1 - Lecture 4
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
PSI 2019/2020 - Quantum Gravity Part 1 - Lecture 5
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
PSI 2019/2020 - Quantum Gravity Part 1 - Lecture 6
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2019/2020 - Gravitational Physics
15 talks-Collection NumberC20004Talk
PSI 2019/2020 - Gravitational Physics - Lecture 1
King's College London -
PSI 2019/2020 - Gravitational Physics - Lecture 2
King's College London -
PSI 2019/2020 - Gravitational Physics - Lecture 3
King's College London -
PSI 2019/2020 - Gravitational Physics - Lecture 4
King's College London -
PSI 2019/2020 - Gravitational Physics - Lecture 5
King's College London -
PSI 2019/2020 - Gravitational Physics - Lecture 6
King's College London -
PSI 2019/2020 - Gravitational Physics - Lecture 7
King's College London -
PSI 2019/2020 - Gravitational Physics - Lecture 8
King's College London
Quantum Gravity (Elective), PHYS 644, February 24 - March 28, 2025
6 talks-Collection NumberC25014The main goal of this course is to show in which ways General Relativity (GR) is similar, and especially in which ways it is different, from other gauge theories. The largest component of the course is dedicated to studying the specific symmetry structure of GR and how it intimately relates to its dynamics. To do so, we will introduce a host of concepts and techniques, broadly (and loosely) known under the name of “Covariant Phase Space Method”. This provides a different perspective on GR’s physics, a perspective in which phase space, rather than spacetime, is front and center. Along the way we will take a few detours: we will explore (parts of) the historical debate on whether gravity should be quantized at all, discuss how to think of time evolution when there is no absolute time, and go through Wald’s proposal of black hole entropy as a Noether charge. The intended outcome of the course is to provide a new perspective on GR which, hopefully, will inform you on why it is much harder to quantize than other theories – especially from a non-perturbative perspective. In this sense the course always keeps an eye on Quantum Gravity, even though there will be very little “quantum” in it. It is also a course that does not hinge on any specific approach to the quantization of gravity. Also, it is worth noting that the covariant phase space techniques are broadly used in the current literature on the black hole information paradox, soft symmetries, and holography, and is therefore a useful tool to learn if you are interested in any of these topics. Instructor: Aldo Riello Students who are not part of the PSI MSc program should review enrollment and course format information here: https://perimeterinstitute.ca/graduate-courses -
50 Years of Horndeski Gravity: Exploring Modified Gravity
46 talks-Collection NumberC24019Recent years have seen a flood of new data, from gravitational wave observations of merging black holes and neutron stars to precision probes of cosmology, which allow for unprecedented tests of our understanding of gravity. Going hand-in-hand with this, there has been significant recent progress on the theoretical side in terms of formulating modified theories of gravity, and using them to make detailed predictions, including in the nonlinear and dynamical regime, which can be confronted with the observations.
We are excited to announce a landmark conference that plans to delve into the forefront of research on modified theories of gravity and brings together leading experts from different disciplines including observational astrophysicists, numerical relativists, cosmologists and mathematical physicists to explore the present status of modified theories of gravity and envision their future theoretical development and implications for observations.
This conference is also timed to coincide with the 50th anniversary of pioneering work in this area carried out by Gregory Horndeski in the Waterloo Mathematical Physics Community. Hosted jointly by Perimeter Institute and the University of Waterloo, this conference will serve as a forum for researchers from different disciplines to exchange ideas at the cutting
edge of gravitational physics.
Presented by:
Sponsored in part by Gravity Theory Trust
:: :: ::Topics:
• Modified Gravity Theories: Theoretical Framework and Models
• Tests of modified Gravity with Gravitational Waves (LIGO/LISA/PTA)
• Astrophysical/cosmological tests of gravity
• Mathematical structure of Modified gravity
• Observational tests of quantum gravity
• Modified gravity in the early universeConference Structure:
The conference will feature a balanced blend of plenary sessions (invited Speakers), contributed talks, panel discussions and poster presentations for students.
• Keynote presentations by renowned physicists in the field, discussing the impact of Horndeski theories and other modified theories of gravity on cosmology, dark energy, and black hole physics.
• Contributed talks: prioritizing early-career researchers
• Panel discussions on emerging research directions, unresolved questions, and potential applications of Horndeski theories.
• Poster sessions for early-career researchers and graduate students to showcase their work and receive feedback from senior scientists.:: :: ::
Scientific Organizers:
- Ghazal Geshnizjani (Perimeter Institute, SOC Chair)
- William East (Perimeter Institute)
- Levon Pogosian (Simon Fraser University, Perimeter Institute Affiliate)
- Niayesh Afshordi (Perimeter Institute, U Waterloo, LOC Chair)
- Will Percival (Perimeter Institute, U Waterloo)
- Florian Girelli (U Waterloo, Perimeter Institute Affiliate)
- Jerome Quintin (U Waterloo, Perimeter Institute)
- Alex Krolewski (U Waterloo, Perimeter Institute, CITA)
:: :: ::
Quantum Gravity 2023/24
13 talks-Collection NumberC24024The course centers on an in-depth study of the symmetry structure of General Relativity and how this is intimately related to its dynamics and to the challenges posed to its quantization. To achieve this understanding, we will introduce a host of concepts and techniques, broadly (and loosely) known under the name of “Covariant Phase Space Method”. This provides a different perspective on GR’s physics, a perspective in which phase space, rather than spacetime, is front and center. We will apply these ideas and techniques to discuss the so-called Problem of Time, Wald's approach to black hole entropy as a Noether charge, and the relationship between Dirac's Hypersurface Deformation Algebra and GR's symmetries and dynamics. We will also discuss the problem of detecting single gravitons as well as crucial analogies and differences between a quantum electromagnetic and gravitational field. Lecture notes specific for the course will be provided. -
Puzzles in the Quantum Gravity Landscape: viewpoints from different approaches
34 talks-Collection NumberC23033Unraveling the quantum nature of gravity is one of the most pressing problems of theoretical physics. Several ideas have been put forward and resulted in a number of theories of quantum gravity. While these theories have explored different facets of the “quantum gravity landscape”, all viable approaches should ultimately make contact with observations, and answer exciting questions in cosmology and black-hole physics.
Sharing knowledge, exchanging ideas, and building a dictionary between different theories are crucial steps toward answering these questions, efficiently contrasting different theories, and ultimately reaching a deeper understanding of our Universe.
This conference will contribute to these goals by bringing together leading experts in different approaches to quantum gravity, gravitational effective field theory, black-hole physics, and cosmology. We will focus on specific puzzles in quantum gravity and their resolutions within different approaches. The conference will be highly interactive, with plenty of time to discuss common problems, understand the big picture, and develop novel connections between fields.Registration: Registration is now open, and both in-person and virtual participation is welcome. Online participants will be able to interact on an equal footing in question sessions and discussions. In-person attendance is limited and will be approved on a first-come, first-served basis. Talks are by invitation only, but in-person participants are encouraged to apply to present a poster.
Spam warning: There is an increasing number of scam agencies reaching out to conference speakers and attendees. Perimeter Institute does not use third-party agencies. We advise speakers and attendees to ignore emails and not to provide any details to anyone who is not from Perimeter Institute.
Confirmed Speakers and Panelists:
- Abhay Ashtekar (Penn State University)
- Robert Brandenberger (McGill University)
- Luca Buoninfante (Nordita)
- Xavier Calmet (University of Sussex)
- Francesco di Filippo (Kyoto University)
- Bianca Dittrich (Perimeter Institute)
- John Donoghue (University of Massachusetts)
- Astrid Eichhorn (CP3-origins)
- Johanna Erdmenger (Würzburg University)
- Ghazal Geshnizjani (Perimeter Institute)
- Ruth Gregory (King's College)
- Lavinia Heisenberg (Heidelberg University)
- Bob Holdom (University of Toronto)
- Benjamin Knorr (Nordita)
- Renate Loll (Radboud University Nijmegen)
- Miguel Montero (IFT Madrid)
- Rob Myers (Perimeter Institute)
- Sabrina Pasterski (Perimeter Institute)
- Fernando Quevedo (Cambridge University)
- Lisa Randall (Harvard University)
- Kasia Rejzner (York University)
- Mairi Sakellariadou (King's College)
- Lee Smolin (Perimeter Institute)
- Kellogg Stelle (Imperial College)
- Sumati Surya (Raman Research Institute)
- Andrew Tolley (Imperial College)
- Neil Turok (University of Edinburgh)
- Pedro Vieira (Perimeter Institute)
- Yasaman Yazdi (Imperial College)
Territorial Land Acknowledgement
Perimeter Institute acknowledges that it is situated on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples.
Perimeter Institute is located on the Haldimand Tract. After the American Revolution, the tract was granted by the British to the Six Nations of the Grand River and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation as compensation for their role in the war and for the loss of their traditional lands in upstate New York. Of the 950,000 acres granted to the Haudenosaunee, less than 5 percent remains Six Nations land. Only 6,100 acres remain Mississaugas of the Credit land.
We thank the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples for hosting us on their land.
It from Qubit 2023
38 talks-Collection NumberC23021The final meeting of It from Qubit: Simons Collaboration on Quantum Fields, Gravity, and Information will be devoted to recent developments at the interface of fundamental physics and quantum information theory, spanning topics such as
- chaos and thermalization in many-body systems and their realization in quantum gravity;
- information-theoretic constraints on quantum field theories and their RG flows and symmetries;
- gravitational wormholes and their information-theoretic implications;
- calculable lower-dimensional models of quantum gravity; the entanglement structure of semi-classical states in quantum gravity;
- quantum error-correcting codes in quantum field theory and quantum gravity;
- complexity in field theory and gravity;
- the black-hole information puzzle;
- quantum simulation of quantum field theories and quantum gravity.
Recorded talks: https://pirsa.org/C23021
Territorial Land Acknowledgement
Perimeter Institute acknowledges that it is situated on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples.
Perimeter Institute is located on the Haldimand Tract. After the American Revolution, the tract was granted by the British to the Six Nations of the Grand River and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation as compensation for their role in the war and for the loss of their traditional lands in upstate New York. Of the 950,000 acres granted to the Haudenosaunee, less than 5 percent remains Six Nations land. Only 6,100 acres remain Mississaugas of the Credit land.
We thank the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples for hosting us on their land.
Quantum Simulators of Fundamental Physics
23 talks-Collection NumberC23019This meeting will bring together researchers from the quantum technology, atomic physics, and fundamental physics communities to discuss how quantum simulation can be used to gain new insight into the physics of black holes and the early Universe. The core program of the workshop is intended to deepen collaboration between the UK-based Quantum Simulators for Fundamental Physics (QSimFP; https://www.qsimfp.org) consortium and researchers at Perimeter Institute and neighbouring institutions. The week-long conference will consist of broadly-accessible talks on work within the consortium and work within the broader community of researchers interested in quantum simulation, as well as a poster session and ample time for discussion and collaboration
Territorial Land AcknowledgementPerimeter Institute acknowledges that it is situated on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples.
Perimeter Institute is located on the Haldimand Tract. After the American Revolution, the tract was granted by the British to the Six Nations of the Grand River and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation as compensation for their role in the war and for the loss of their traditional lands in upstate New York. Of the 950,000 acres granted to the Haudenosaunee, less than 5 percent remains Six Nations land. Only 6,100 acres remain Mississaugas of the Credit land.
We thank the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples for hosting us on their land.
Quantum Spacetime in the Cosmos: From Conception to Reality
32 talks-Collection NumberC23035On Demand Recording: https://pirsa.org/C23035
The nature of space and time is one of the most foundational mysteries in both Physics and Philosophy. At the heart of this mystery are the two most successful theories of nature: Einstein's theory of relativity, an elegant and precise description of the geometry of our universe on large scales, and Quantum Mechanics, outlining accurate laws of interaction in the subatomic world. But these two great triumphs of 20th century physics remain inherently inconsistent, contradictory in their most basic principles, such as locality and causality. Nonetheless, the experimental domains or natural phenomena where these contradictions become manifest have remained elusive, and it is not clear that a century of theoretical investigation into quantum gravity is anywhere close to being verified in nature.
Arguably, this disconnect is our greatest and most foundational challenge in the history of Physics; despite groundbreaking progress in both theory and observations of quantum spacetimes, these two endeavours are moving farther apart. Successfully responding to this century-old challenge could require rethinking the epistemology of fundamental physics. While physicists are trained to push the frontiers of knowledge, developing a grand vision of the arch of history, and where we are (or should be) heading is a more interdisciplinary endeavor, requiring insights from theory and observations, but also philosophy and history.
We plan a focused, interactive, and highly interdisciplinary workshop, involving the world’s best theorists, observers, experimentalists, and philosophers, within a supportive, inclusive, and diverse environment, in order to kick start a long term initiative that might be our best bet to make significant progress towards uncovering the quantum nature of spacetime.Sponsorship provided by:
Territorial Land AcknowledgemenPerimeter Institute acknowledges that it is situated on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples.
Perimeter Institute is located on the Haldimand Tract. After the American Revolution, the tract was granted by the British to the Six Nations of the Grand River and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation as compensation for their role in the war and for the loss of their traditional lands in upstate New York. Of the 950,000 acres granted to the Haudenosaunee, less than 5 percent remains Six Nations land. Only 6,100 acres remain Mississaugas of the Credit land.
We thank the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples for hosting us on their land.
Horizon entropy and the Einstein equation
4 talks-Collection NumberC23029This mini-course of four lectures is an introduction, review, and critique of two approaches to deriving the Einstein equation from hypotheses about horizon entropy.
It will be based on two papers:
- "Thermodynamics of Spacetime: The Einstein Equation of State" arxiv.org/abs/gr-qc/9504004
- "Entanglement Equilibrium and the Einstein Equation" arxiv.org/abs/1505.04753
We may also discuss ideas in "Gravitation and vacuum entanglement entropy" arxiv.org/abs/1204.6349
Zoom Link: https://pitp.zoom.us/j/96212372067?pwd=dWVaUFFFc3c5NTlVTDFHOGhCV2pXdz09
Quantum Gravity Around the Corner
29 talks-Collection NumberC22029There has been recent activity in looking for new conserved charges and symmetries in gravity, most notably at infinity but also for finite regions. An important question is whether some of these charges and symmetries have physical implications. These charges are evaluated on codimension-2 surfaces called corners, which constitute the main focus of this conference. The goal is to bring together leading experts and promote discussions and exchanges among different approaches to (quantum) gravity.
Territorial Land Acknowledgement
Perimeter Institute acknowledges that it is situated on the traditional territory of the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples.
Perimeter Institute is located on the Haldimand Tract. After the American Revolution, the tract was granted by the British to the Six Nations of the Grand River and the Mississaugas of the Credit First Nation as compensation for their role in the war and for the loss of their traditional lands in upstate New York. Of the 950,000 acres granted to the Haudenosaunee, less than 5 percent remains Six Nations land. Only 6,100 acres remain Mississaugas of the Credit land.
We thank the Anishinaabe, Haudenosaunee, and Neutral peoples for hosting us on their land.
Quantum Gravity 2020
22 talks-Collection NumberC20031 -
PSI 2019/2020 - Quantum Gravity Part 1
6 talks-Collection NumberC20014PSI 2019/2020 - Quantum Gravity Part 1 -
PSI 2019/2020 - Gravitational Physics
15 talks-Collection NumberC20004PSI 2019/2020 - Gravitational Physics