Quantum gravity is concerned with unifying Einstein's general theory of relativity with quantum theory into a single theoretical framework. At Perimeter Institute, researchers are actively pursuing a number of approaches to this problem including loop quantum gravity, spin foam models, asymptotic safety, emergent gravity, string theory, and causal set theory. We are also particularly interested in experimental implications of these different proposals. As the aim is a unification of the laws of physics into a single theory, the search for quantum gravity overlaps with other areas such as cosmology, particle physics and the foundations of quantum theory.
Format results
25 talks-Collection Number C19047
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Bianca Dittrich Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum Spacetime from Lattice Gravity à la CDT
Renate Loll Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
How complement maps can cure divergences
Sylvie Paycha University of Potsdam
The gravitational Wilson loop and the non-Abelian Stokes' theorem
Reiko Toriumi Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University
The dynamics of difference
Lee Smolin Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Probing fundamental physics with gravitational waves
Cecilia Chirenti Universidade Federal do ABC
Implications of the Quantum Nature Space-time for the Big Bang and Black Holes
Abhay Ashtekar Pennsylvania State University
Simplicity III
17 talks-Collection Number C19044Talk
On the possible role of nilpotent internal symmetries in unification
Andras Laszlo Wigner Research Center for Physics
Rethinking the origin of neutrino masses: the role of gravity
Lena Funcke University of Bonn
Swampland Constraints on Neutrino Masses and Dark Energy
Irene Valenzuela Cornell University
Exceptional Quantum Algebra for the Standard Model of Particle Physics
Ivan Todorov Bulgarian Academy of Sciences
SO(7,7) Structure of Standard Model Fermions
Kirill Krasnov University of Nottingham
The Standard Model from A Jordan Algebra
Latham Boyle University of Edinburgh
Particle Theory from Jordan Geometry
Shane Farnsworth Max Planck Institute for Gravitational Physics - Albert Einstein Institute (AEI)
PSI 2019/2020 - Relativity (Kubiznak)
15 talks-Collection Number C19039Talk
PSI 2019/2020 - Relativity (Kubiznak) - Lecture 2
David Kubiznak Charles University
PSI 2019/2020 - Relativity (Kubiznak) - Lecture 3
David Kubiznak Charles University
PSI 2019/2020 - Relativity (Kubiznak) - Lecture 4
David Kubiznak Charles University
PSI 2019/2020 - Relativity (Kubiznak) - Lecture 5
David Kubiznak Charles University
PSI 2019/2020 - Relativity (Kubiznak) - Lecture 6
David Kubiznak Charles University
PSI 2019/2020 - Relativity (Kubiznak) - Lecture 7
David Kubiznak Charles University
PSI 2019/2020 - Relativity (Kubiznak) - Lecture 8
David Kubiznak Charles University
PSI 2019/2020 - Classical Physics (Kubiznak)
8 talks-Collection Number C19032Talk
PSI 2018/2019 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity (Dupuis)
15 talks-Collection Number C19014Talk
PSI 2018/2019 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 1
Bianca Dittrich Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2018/2019 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 2
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2018/2019 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 3
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2018/2019 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 4
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2018/2019 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 5
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2018/2019 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 6
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2018/2019 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 7
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2018/2019 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 8
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Gravity (Dupuis)
15 talks-Collection Number C17052Talk
PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Gravity - Lecture 1
Beatrice Bonga Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Gravity - Lecture 2
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Gravity - Lecture 3
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Gravity - Lecture 4
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Gravity - Lecture 5
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Gravity - Lecture 6
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Gravity - Lecture 7
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Gravity - Lecture 8
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
The Path Integral for Gravity
18 talks-Collection Number C17057Talk
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Neil Turok University of Edinburgh
The significance of the proper time in the quantum mechanics of the gravitational field.
Claudio Bunster Centro de Estudios Científicos (CECs)
Viatcheslav Mukhanov Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU)
Semi-classical evaluation of the 3D gravity path integral and quasi-local holography
Bianca Dittrich Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
An asymptotically safe point of view on the gravitational path integral
Astrid Eichhorn University of Southern Denmark
The path integral for gravity and Fedosov quantization
Stefan Hollands Universität Leipzig
Surprises in the Path Integral for Gravity
Neil Turok University of Edinburgh
Quantum Black Holes in the Sky?
34 talks-Collection Number C17055Talk
Quantifying the evidence for black holes with GW and EM probes
Paolo Pani Instituto Superior Tecnico - Departamento de Física
Echoes from the Abyss: Tentative Evidence for Planck-Scale Structure at Black Hole Horizons
Jahed Abedi University of Stavanger (UiS)
Improvements on the methods for searching echoes
Julian Westerweck Albert Einstein Institute
A model-independent search for gravitational-wave echoes
Archisman Ghosh Institucio Catalana de Recerca I Estudis Avancats (ICREA) - Universitat de Barcelona
An alternative significance estimation for the evidence for echoes
Alex Nielsen Albert Einstein Institute
Discussion: Evidence for Echoes
PIRSA:17110074 -
Inspiral Tests of Strong-field Gravity and Ringdown Tests of Quantum Black Holes
Kent Yagi University of Virginia
A Recipe for Echoes
Aaron Zimmerman The University of Texas at Austin
Semisimple Hopf algebras and fusion categories
Cesar Galindo Universidad de los Andes
The Hopf C*-algebraic quantum double models - symmetries beyond group theory
Andreas Bauer Freie Universität Berlin
Modular categories and the Witt group
Michael Mueger Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Topological Quantum Computation
Eric Rowell Texas A&M University
Gapped phases of matter vs. Topological field theories
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
An Introduction to Hopf Algebra Gauge Theory
Derek Wise University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Kitaev lattice models as a Hopf algebra gauge theory
Catherine Meusburger University of Erlangen-Nuremberg
Topological defects and higher-categorical structures
Jurgen Fuchs Karlstad University
Making Quantum Gravity Computable
31 talks-Collection Number C17023Talk
Welcome and Opening Remarks
Bianca Dittrich Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Introduction to Monte Carlo methods - 1
Gerard Barkema Utrecht University
Introduction to Monte Carlo methods - 2
Gerard Barkema Utrecht University
Introduction to Tensor Network methods - 1
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
Introduction to Tensor Network methods - 2
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
Tutorial: Introduction to Monte Carlo Methods
Gerard Barkema Utrecht University
Nilas Klitgaard Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Tutorial: Introduction to Tensor Network methods
Guifre Vidal Alphabet (United States)
Clement Delcamp Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES)
Scientific Computing and Computational Science
Erik Schnetter Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Shape Dynamics Workshop
16 talks-Collection Number C17015Talk
Shape Dynamics: Perspectives and Problems
Julian Barbour University of Oxford
The quantum equation of state of the universe produces a small cosmological constant
Tim Koslowski Technical University of Applied Sciences Würzburg-Schweinfurt
Inflationary and pre-inflationary dynamics with the Starobinsky potential
Beatrice Bonga Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
Relationalism and the speed of light: Are we in a relationship?
Yuri Bonder Universidad Nacional Autónoma De Mexico (UNAM)
Compact spherically symmetric solutions and gravitational collapse in SD
Flavio Mercati University of Naples Federico II
Self-gravitating fluid solutions of Shape Dynamics
Daniel Guariento Conestoga College
A Weyl-Type Theorem in Geometrized Newtonian Gravity, and How It May Bear on Shape Dynamics
Erik Curiel Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitiät München (LMU)
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity (Dupuis)
15 talks-Collection Number C17010Talk
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 1
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 2
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 3
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 4
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 5
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 6
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 7
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity - Lecture 8
Maïté Dupuis Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Emmy Noether Workshop: The Structure of Quantum Space Time
25 talks-Collection Number C19047Understanding the small-scale structure of spacetime is one of the biggest challenges faced by modern theoretical physics. There are many different attempts to solve this problem and they reflect the diversity of approaches to quantum gravity. This workshop will bring together researchers from a wide range of quantum gravity approaches and give them an opportunity to exchange ideas and gain new insights.
Simplicity III
17 talks-Collection Number C19044This cross-disciplinary workshop gathers theorists who have been working on novel approaches to understanding the structure of the Standard Model and its link to cosmology and gravity. It follows the previous Simplicity I and II workshops at Princeton University (2014) and Fermilab (2016) and will be a small informal meeting with plenty of room for discussions.
PSI 2019/2020 - Relativity (Kubiznak)
15 talks-Collection Number C19039PSI 2019/2020 - Relativity (Kubiznak) -
PSI 2019/2020 - Classical Physics (Kubiznak)
8 talks-Collection Number C19032PSI 2019/2020 - Classical Physics (Kubiznak) -
PSI 2018/2019 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity (Dupuis)
15 talks-Collection Number C19014PSI 2018/2019 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity (Dupuis) -
PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Gravity (Dupuis)
15 talks-Collection Number C17052PSI 2017/2018 - Quantum Gravity (Dupuis) -
The Path Integral for Gravity
18 talks-Collection Number C17057Over the past three decades, the idea of a path integral over geometries, describing gravity in various dimensions, has become increasingly central to many areas of theoretical physics, including string and M-theory, holography and quantum aspects of black holes and cosmology.
In each of these areas, the path integral is frequently invoked as a formal device although, as practitioners will admit, except in very special cases the basic formula remains undefined. Typically, classical saddle points are discussed, whether real or complex, but the required integrals are left unperformed.
This state of affairs is untenable because it leaves the theory on a shaky footing and hence does not permit a sound comparison of theoretical predictions with observations. The time has come to critically reassess the foundational ideas of the path integral for gravity, including its definition, evaluation and interpretation; to identify problems with
existing uses and claims based on it, and to seek improvements. The workshop will focus on the continuum theory and its semiclassical limit, with applications to cosmology, black holes and holography. In particular, the notion of a “Euclidean path integral” for a “wavefunction of the universe” will be addressed.To this effect we intend to revisit discussion of “quantum geometrodynamics” from the path integral viewpoint and to pursue various applications. The developments in this direction that took place in the late 1970's and early 1980's were not incorporated in subsequent efforts, where the emphasis shifted to using a classical background with quantum fluctuations superimposed on it, a split which although useful in particular approximations can hardly be imagined to lie at the foundation of the theory. The revival of the discussion of the foundation of the path integral for gravity is made timely, we believe, by the introduction of new global methods such as Picard-Lefschetz theory.
The format of the workshop will be unusual. For the first three days, the mornings will begin with a longer, introductory lecture by each of the three organisers, setting out some of the foundational issues. This will be followed by shorter lectures by the participants, tackling the same foundational questions. The morning lectures, held in the Bob room, will be open to all Perimeter residents and visitors. They will be recorded and made available for viewing on PIRSA. Afternoons will be devoted to friendly and informal discussions, with participants invited to offer short contributions which follow up or develop points raised in the mornings, within a relaxed and highly conducive environment. Participation in these afternoon discussion sessions, as well as social events associated with the workshop, will be limited to registered workshop participants. The last two days of the workshop will be an opportunity for participants to continue discussions on topics which emerge as of greatest general interest, as well as to follow up in smaller groups on technical points or new ideas.
Quantum Black Holes in the Sky?
34 talks-Collection Number C17055The past decade has witnessed significant breakthroughs in understanding the quantum nature of black holes, with insights coming from quantum information theory, numerical relativity, and string theory. At the same time, astrophysical and gravitational wave observations can now provide an unprecedented window into the phenomenology of black hole horizons. This workshop seeks to bring together leading experts in these fields to explore new theoretical and observational opportunities and synergies that could improve our physical understanding of quantum black holes.
Hopf Algebras in Kitaev's Quantum Double Models: Mathematical Connections from Gauge Theory to Topological Quantum Computing and Categorical Quantum Mechanics
18 talks-Collection Number C17029The Kitaev quantum double models are a family of topologically ordered spin models originally proposed to exploit the novel condensed matter phenomenology of topological phases for fault-tolerant quantum computation. Their physics is inherited from topological quantum field theories, while their underlying mathematical structure is based on a class of Hopf algebras. This structure is also seen across diverse fields of physics, and so allows connections to be made between the Kitaev models and topics as varied as quantum gauge theory and modified strong complementarity. This workshop will explore this shared mathematical structure and in so doing develop the connections between the fields of mathematical physics, quantum gravity, quantum information, condensed matter and quantum foundations.
Making Quantum Gravity Computable
31 talks-Collection Number C17023Making Quantum Gravity Computable
PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity (Dupuis)
15 talks-Collection Number C17010PSI 2016/2017 - Explorations in Quantum Gravity (Dupuis)