613 - 624 of 724 Results
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23 talks-Collection NumberC09012
Searching for Dark Matter with Cosmic Antiparticles: the PAMELA Experiment
National Institute for Nuclear Physics -
Recent Results from the ATIC Experiment
University of Maryland, College Park -
Observation of the high-energy cosmic-ray electron spectrum with Fermi and implications for dark matter scenarios
National Institute for Nuclear Physics -
Seeing Dark Matter in cosmic rays?
CEA Saclay -
Dark Matter Interpretations of the Electron/Positron Excesses after FERMI
Università di Pisa -
The PAMELA excess int the light of cosmic ray propagation
Laboratoire d'Annecy-le-Vieux de Physique Théorique (LAPTH) -
CMB Constraints on Sommerfeld-Enhanced Dark Matter
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics
Categories, Quanta, Concepts (CQC) - 2009
18 talks-Collection NumberC09008Talk
Phase Groups and Complementarity
University of Oxford -
Complementarity as a resource
Quantinuum -
What is a quantal reality?
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Operational structures as a foundation for probabilistic theories
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Higher-Order Quantum Computations
Dalhousie University -
A Categorical Approach to Distributed Meaning
University of Oxford -
The Conway-Kochen-Specker Theorems
Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen
New Prospects for Solving the Cosmological Constant Problem - 2009
21 talks-Collection NumberC09010Talk
The Cosmological Constant Problem and Extra Dimensions
McMaster University -
6D Brane Models and their Perturbations
University of Liverpool -
Inflation on a codimension-two brane
Carnegie Mellon University -
Infrared Modification of Gravity with Dynamical Torsion
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) -
Phenomenological Connections between Particle Physics and Dark Energy
University of Wisconsin–Madison -
Positive and Negative Energy Symmetry and the Cosmological Constant Problem
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
LHC, ILC, and Quintessence
University of Wisconsin–Madison -
Cyclic Universe
University of Edinburgh
Effective Field Theories in Inflation - 2009
15 talks-Collection NumberC09009Talk
Holographic Systematics of D-Brane Inflation
Cornell University -
Bispectrum signatures of modifications to the inflationary vacuum
Universiteit van Amsterdam -
Can we tell whether Stochastic Gravitational Waves are really primordial?
King's College London -
Dealing with derivative interactions
Pennsylvania State University -
The "in-in" Formalism and Cosmology: Inflation at Large N
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign -
Inflation with a Random Potential: Fluctuations in the CMB Power Spectrum
Hong Kong University of Science and Technology -
Non-Gaussianity, Loops and the Stability of de Sitter Space
University of Southern Denmark
Connections in Geometry and Physics - 2009
18 talks-Collection NumberC09007Talk
The Economic Crisis and It's Implications for The Science of Economics - 2009
17 talks-Collection NumberC09006Talk
Interpreting the Failure to Predict Financial Crises and Recession
New York University (NYU)PIRSA:09050019 -
Panel Discussion
Harvard University
New York University (NYU)
New York University (NYU)
PIRSA:09050026 -
The Adaptive Markets Hypothesis and Financial Crisis
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)PIRSA:09050018 -
Panel Discussion
Columbia University
Particle Economics Research Institute
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor
PIRSA:09050027 -
Sunyaev-Zeldovich Universe and the Future of Cluster Cosmology - 2009
34 talks-Collection NumberC09005Talk
Heating and Cooling of the Intracluster Medium
University of Victoria -
XRay observations normalized ICM models: SZ scaling relations and cosmological implications
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR) -
4 Corners Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Symposium
8 talks-Collection NumberC09004Talk
Composite pairing in the new “high Tc” Heavy Fermion Superconductors
Rutgers UniversityPIRSA:09040021 -
Characterization of the Dilute, Dipolar-Coupled, Ising Magent LiHo_xY_{1-x}F4 through Specific Heat and AC Susceptibility Measurements
University of WaterlooPIRSA:09040022 -
Physics of the Disorder-Induced Zero Bias Anomaly in Strongly-Correlated Systems
Trent UniversityPIRSA:09040023 -
Quantum Device Theory at the University of Waterloo
Institute for Quantum Computing (IQC)PIRSA:09040025 -
Monte Carlo Simulations of the Interaction Between a Self-Avoiding Polymer and a Membrane
University of WaterlooPIRSA:09040028 -
Superfluid to Band Insulator Transition of Cold Fermionic Atoms
University of TorontoPIRSA:09040027
Integrability and planar AdS/CFT
3 talksCollection NumberC09003Talk
Integrability and planar AdS/CFT - Lecture 1
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsPIRSA:09020046 -
Integrability and planar AdS/CFT - Lecture 2
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsPIRSA:09030030 -
Integrability and planar AdS/CFT - Lecture 3
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsPIRSA:09030031
Black Holes and Quantum Physics - 2009
12 talks-Collection NumberC09002Talk
Ten Theses on Black Hole Entropy
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
LQG Black Holes
Southern University of Science and Technology (SUSTech) -
Unitarity and Holography in Gravitational Physics
University of California, Santa Barbara -
Black holes, fundamental destruction of information and conservation laws
University College London -
Resolving the information paradox: the fuzzball proposal
Ohio State University -
Black Hole Information - What's the Problem?
Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) -
Matrix models for the black hole information paradox
University of Tokyo -
Schwarzschild radius and black hole thermodynamics with alpha' corrections from simulations of SUSY matrix quantum mechanics
High Energy Accelerator Research Organization (KEK)
Introduction to the Bosonic String
24 talksCollection NumberC09001Talk
Introduction to the Bosonic String
Western University -
Introduction to the Bosonic String Part B
Western University -
Introduction to the Bosonic String
Western University -
Introduction to the Bosonic String Part B
Western University -
Introduction to the Bosonic String 3A
Western University -
Introduction to the Bosonic String 3B
Western University -
Introduction to the Bosonic String
Western University -
Introduction to the Bosonic String Part B
Western University
ISSYP Virtual
38 talksCollection NumberC08028Talk
General Relativity 1 - Introduction of a New Idea
Waterloo Collegiate Institute (WRDSB)PIRSA:08080071 -
General Relativity 3 - Who's Who in the Story of Black Holes
Waterloo Collegiate Institute (WRDSB)PIRSA:08080073 -
General Relativity 6 - The Star Called a Black Hole
Waterloo Collegiate Institute (WRDSB)PIRSA:06080034 -
Special Relativity 13 - Artificial Gravity Provides Hints about Real Gravity
University of WaterlooPIRSA:08070051
New Lights on Dark Matter - 2009
23 talks-Collection NumberC09012In the last few years, a new observational window has opened on the dark sector of matter. The recent flood of experimental results on direct and indirect dark matter detection has potentially revolutionized our view of the nature of dark matter. As the non gravitational nature of dark matter may well be revealing itself for the first time, initial results have lead to a reexamination of WIMP physics with the aim of enhancing the annihilation cross section through various means, and encouraged theorists to think of more exotic possibilities. The purpose of this workshop is to bring together leading theorists in this area, as well as representatives of the recent experiments, to encourage the sharing and debating of recent results and approaches to probing and describing the dark matter sector. -
Categories, Quanta, Concepts (CQC) - 2009
18 talks-Collection NumberC09008Categories, Quanta, Concepts (CQC) -
New Prospects for Solving the Cosmological Constant Problem - 2009
21 talks-Collection NumberC09010The `Cosmological Constant Problem’ is one of most outstanding problems in theoretical physics. It is a significant theme of many current areas of research, both at theoretical level, and at the experimental level, via the increasing observational evidence for dark energy. However, the way researchers address this problem varies tremendously between different scientific communities. The principal aim of this workshop is to bring together leading researchers in neighboring fields, to reach a common understanding of the nature of the problem, and to share the tools used in addressing it. In parallel, this workshop aims at understanding how the different directions in solving the Cosmological Constant Problem are related as well as searching for genuinely new approaches to tackle the question. -
Effective Field Theories in Inflation - 2009
15 talks-Collection NumberC09009Effective Field Theories in Inflation -
Connections in Geometry and Physics - 2009
18 talks-Collection NumberC09007Connections in Geometry and Physics -
The Economic Crisis and It's Implications for The Science of Economics - 2009
17 talks-Collection NumberC09006The Perimeter Institute conference on economics is being organized in an effort to better evaluate the state of economics as a predictive and descriptive science in light of the current market crisis. We believe that this requires careful, dispassionate discussion, in an atmosphere governed by the modesty and open mindedness that characterizes the scientific community. To do this we aim to bring leading economists and theorists of finance together with physicists, mathematicians, biologists and computer scientists to evaluate current theories of markets, and identify key issues that can motivate new directions for research. The conference will begin on May 1, 2009, with a day of invited talks by leading experts to a public audience of around 200 on the status of economic and financial theory in light of the crisis. We will then continue for three days of focused discussion and workshops with an invited group of around 30, aimed at defining research agendas that address that question and beginning work on them. -
Sunyaev-Zeldovich Universe and the Future of Cluster Cosmology - 2009
34 talks-Collection NumberC09005Galaxy clusters have played a crucial role in the development of modern cosmology over the past century. Thanks to the next generation of high resolution microwave telescopes, a new generation of cluster surveys (detected through the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect) are under way and promise to provide us with a catalog of hundreds to thousands of new high redshift clusters over the next few years. This conference aims to bring together experts in SZ observations and cluster cosmology to understand the status/implications of current clusters surveys, and find a consensus on the future promise/prospects of cosmology with galaxy clusters. -
4 Corners Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Symposium
8 talks-Collection NumberC090044 Corners Southwest Ontario Condensed Matter Symposium April 23, 2009. -
Black Holes and Quantum Physics - 2009
12 talks-Collection NumberC09002Black Holes and Quantum Physics Workshop will bring together experts on this subject. A relaxed and informal setting will allow for productive exchange of ideas. -
Introduction to the Bosonic String
24 talksCollection NumberC09001This course provides a thorough introduction to the bosonic string based on the Polyakov path integral and conformal field theory. We introduce central ideas of string theory, the tools of conformal field theory, the Polyakov path integral, and the covariant quantization of the string. We discuss string interactions and cover the tree-level and one loop amplitudes. More advanced topics such as T-duality and D-branes will be taught as part of the course. -
ISSYP Virtual
38 talksCollection NumberC08028Here is your opportunity to experience, online, select content from Perimeter Institute's highly successful two-week International Summer School for Young Physicists (ISSYP). While we could reach up to 100 "young physicists" per year with our onsite ISSYP camps, our Virtual ISSYP opens up this fantastic learning experience for all to enjoy. The Virtual ISSYP is intended for students, teachers and anyone interested in learning more about the wonders of modern physics and the excitement of research and discovery at the frontiers of knowledge.