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Floquet quantum criticality


Berdanier, W. (2019). Floquet quantum criticality. Perimeter Institute.

Will Berdanier

University of California, Berkeley

Talk number

It has recently been shown that quenched randomness, via the phenomenon of many-body localization, can stabilize dynamical phases of matter in periodically driven (Floquet) systems, with one example being discrete time crystals. This raises the question: what is the nature of the transitions between these Floquet many-body-localized phases, and how do they differ from equilibrium? We argue that such transitions are generically controlled by infinite randomness fixed points. By introducing a real-space renormalization group procedure for Floquet systems, asymptotically exact in the strong-disorder limit, we characterize the criticality of the periodically driven interacting quantum Ising model, finding forms of (multi-)criticality novel to the Floquet setting. We validate our analysis via numerical simulations of free-fermion models sufficient to capture the critical physics.