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The Physics of Information: From Entanglement to Black Holes
Bob McDonald CBC Corp.
Chris Fuchs University of Massachusetts Boston
Leonard Susskind Stanford University
Anthony Leggett University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Seth Lloyd Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Center for Extreme Quantum Information Theory (xQIT)
Time and Einstein in the 21st Century: The coolest stuff in the universe
William (Bill) Phillips National Institute of Standards and Technology
PIRSA:08060002 -
Before the Big Bang: Is There Evidence For Something And If So, What?
Roger Penrose University of Oxford
PIRSA:08100081 -
Anticipating A New Golden Age
Frank Wilczek Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Center for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:08110049 -
The Drunkard's Walk
Leonard Mlodinow California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Division of Physics Mathematics & Astronomy
PIRSA:09050048 -
The Universe from Beginning to End
Brian Schmidt Australian National University
The Physics of Information: From Entanglement to Black Holes
Bob McDonald CBC Corp.
Chris Fuchs University of Massachusetts Boston
Leonard Susskind Stanford University
Anthony Leggett University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign
Seth Lloyd Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Center for Extreme Quantum Information Theory (xQIT)
Do ideas about information and reality inspire fruitful new approaches to the hardest problems of modern physics? What can we learn about the paradoxes of quantum mechanics, the beginning of the universe and our understanding of black holes by thinking about the very essence of information? The answers to these questions are surprising and enlightening, but also controversial. The topic of information within physics has involved some of the 20th century\'s greatest scientists in long-running intellectual battles that continue to the present day. In this special debate, hosted by the CBC\'s Bob McDonald of \'Quirks and Quarks\', you will enjoy a lively discussion between four prominent physicists who have thought long and hard about these questions. information, quantum mechanics, quantum cryptology, entropy, everything computes, properties equals information, uncertainty principle, quantum computer, hologram, black hole, event horizon, coherence, Schrodinger, interference and predictability, quantum state, teleportation, entanglement -
Rocketeers: How a Visionary Band of Business Leaders, Engineers, and Pilots is Boldy Privatizing Space
PIRSA:08020039In the \'second space age\', human spaceflight is no longer the domain of governments. Dream-chasing entrepreneurs and clever engineers are aggressively blazing new trails into the heavens and preparing the world for an era of space tourism, ultra fast point-to-point earth travel and even orbiting hotels. Having gained inside access into the top private space programs, science journalist Michael Belfiore will share his many insights on the history-making flights, the failures and fatalities, as well as the enduring passion and dreams of the real estate tycoons, dot-com billionaires, a video game programmer and other business mavericks for whom the sky is no longer the limit. They are fueling the highest-flying private rockets ever built, testing \"vertical dragsters\", and preparing to launch an inflatable space station - with the mock-up already in earth orbit. Can your ticket to ride be that far behind? space travel, human spaceflight, second space age, private space program, space tourism, orbiting hotel, entrepeneur, engineer, Rocketeers -
What Banged?
Neil Turok University of Edinburgh
The evidence that the universe emerged 14 billion years ago from an event called \'the big bang\' is overwhelming. Yet the cause of this event remains deeply mysterious. In the conventional picture, the \'initial singularity\' is unexplained. It is simply assumed that the universe somehow sprang into existence full of \'inflationary\' energy, blowing up the universe into the large, smooth state we observe today. While this picture is in excellent agreement with current observations, it is both contrived and incomplete, leading us to suspect that it is not the final word. In this lecture, the standard inflationary picture will be contrasted with a new view of the initial singularity suggested by string and M-theory, in which the bang is a far more normal, albeit violent, event which occurred in a pre-existing universe. According to the new picture, a cyclical model of the universe becomes feasible in which one bang is followed by another, in a potentially endless series of cosmic cycles. The presentation will also review exciting recent theoretical developments and forthcoming observational tests which could distinguish between the rival inflationary and cyclical hypotheses. big bang, cosmology, universe, initial singularity, inflation, string theory, M-theory, pre-existing universe, cyclical model, cosmic cycle, particle physics, dark matter, dark energy -
The Curious World of Probabilities
Jeffrey Rosenthal University of Toronto
PIRSA:08040070Probabilities and randomness arise whenever we're not sure what will happen next. They apply to everything from lottery jackpots to airplane crashes; email spam to insurance policies; medical studies to election polls. This exploration of odds and oddities will explain how a Probability Perspective can shed new light on many familiar situations in our everyday lives, and how computer algorithms which use randomness can be used to address problems in many branches of science.
Jeffrey Rosenthal is a professor in the Department of Statistics at the University of Toronto and examines odds and statistics in everyday life. His interest in probability theory began at an early age when, as a child, he enjoyed flipping coins, rolling dice and computing probabilities. He followed his passion and earned his BSc in Mathematics, Physics, and Computer Science from the University of Toronto at the age of 20; his PhD in Mathematics from Harvard University at the age of 24; and tenure in the Department of Statistics at the University of Toronto at the age of 29. He is also a fellow of the Institute for Mathematical Statistics.
Professor Rosenthal has been honoured with a Premier’s Research Excellence Award, the COPSS President’s Award from the Committee of Presidents of Statistical Societies, a Harvard University Teaching Award in 1991, an Arts and Science Outstanding Teaching Award in 1998 at the University of Toronto and the 2006 CRM-SSC Prize in Statistics. He is author of “Struck by Lightning, The Curious World of Probabilities” and A First Look a Rigorous Probability Theory. He also co-authored “Probability and Statistics: The Science of Uncertainty”.
Despite being born on Friday the thirteenth, Rosenthal considers himself a very fortunate person.
""It is a truth very certain that, when it is not in our power to determine what is true, we ought to follow what is most probable."" - Rene Descartes (1596-1650), French philosopher and mathematician -
Science Fiction and Reality
Gerard 't Hooft Utrecht University
PIRSA:08050023In the recent past, rapid scientific and technological developments have had tremendous impact on human society. Notably, the personal computer, internet and mobile telephones changed the world and shrank our planet. These developments are vastly different from the forecasts by science fiction authors who promised us space travel and intelligent humanoid robots. Could real scientists have done a better job in forecasting the future? What can we say about the future now?
Many science fiction fantasies will never materialize. Some will, but only over time spans of millions of years rather than a couple of centuries. Nature's laws are very strict and forbidding but also show gaps that might promise fantastic possibilities for a scientific future, even within our lifetime.
Gerard T' Hooft was born in 1946, and raised in the Netherlands. He studied theoretical physics at the University of Utrecht in the Netherlands, completing his thesis work in 1972, under the supervision of Martin Veltman. For two years he continued his research at the European particle physics laboratory CERN, Geneva. After lectureships at Utrecht and in the USA (Harvard, Stanford), he was appointed full professor at Utrecht University in 1976. Among his many honours, he and Veltman were awarded the The Nobel Prize in physics 1999, ""For elucidating the quantum structure of electroweak interactions in physics"", which refers to their joint work in 1972. More recently, T' Hooft became a member of Perimeter Institute’s highly esteemed Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC).
His research brought important new insights showing how to use quantized fields to describe sub-atomic particles, such as renormalization, magnetic monopoles, quark confinement and the physical effects of instantons. Later he turned his interest to the quantum aspects of gravitation and black holes. Dr. T' Hooft also supports educational outreach activities and considers the communication of fundamental science to the public as one of his most important duties. -
Time and Einstein in the 21st Century: The coolest stuff in the universe
William (Bill) Phillips National Institute of Standards and Technology
PIRSA:08060002At the beginning of the 20th century Einstein published three revolutionary ideas that changed forever how we view Nature. At the beginning of the 21st century Einstein\'s thinking is shaping one of the key scientific and technological wonders of contemporary life: atomic clocks, the best timekeepers ever made. Such super-accurate clocks are essential to industry, commerce, and science; they are the heart of the Global Positioning System (GPS), which guides cars, airplanes, and hikers to their destinations. Today, atomic clocks are still being improved, using Einstein\'s ideas to cool the atoms to incredibly low temperatures. Atomic gases reach temperatures less than a billionth of a degree above Absolute Zero, without solidifying. Such atoms enable clocks accurate to better than a second in 60 million years as well as both using and testing some of Einstein\'s strangest predictions. This will be a lively, multimedia presentation, including experimental demonstrations and down-to-earth explanations about some of today\'s most exciting science. Low temperature physics, atomic clock, global positioning system, laser cooling, Bose Einstein condensate, photoelectric effect, Brownian motion, special relativity -
Before the Big Bang: Is There Evidence For Something And If So, What?
Roger Penrose University of Oxford
PIRSA:08100081There is now a great deal of evidence confirming the existence of a very hot and dense early stage of the universe. Much of this data comes from a detailed study of the cosmic microwave background (CMB) - radiation from the early universe that was most recently measured by NASA\'s WMAP satellite. But the information presents new puzzles for scientists. One of the most blatant examples is an apparent paradox related to the second law of thermodynamics. Although some have argued that the hypothesis of inflationary cosmology solves some of the puzzles, profound issues remain. In this talk, Professor Penrose will describe a very different proposal, one that suggests a succession of universes prior to our own. He will also present a recent analysis of the CMB data that has a profound bearing on these issues. -
Anticipating A New Golden Age
Frank Wilczek Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Center for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:08110049Our present Core Theory of matter (aka “standard model”) was born in the 1970s, a Golden Age for fundamental physics. To date it has passed every experimental test, extending – by many orders of magnitude – to higher energies, shorter distances, and greater precision than were available in the 1970s. Yet we are not satisfied, because the Core Theory postulates four separate interactions and several different kinds of matter, and its equations are lopsided. In this lecture, Prof. Wilczek will describe powerful and extremely beautiful ideas for restoring unity and symmetry to the fundamental laws. These ideas are firmly rooted in empirical reality, but at present the evidence for them is circumstantial. The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) will provide critical tests. If Nature has been teaching, not teasing, discoveries at the LHC will inaugurate a new Golden Age, bringing our fundamental understanding of the physical world to a new level. Standard model, fundamental physics, experiment, LHC, unification, particle physics, supersymmetry, vacuum fluctuation -
The Physics of Impossible Things
Ben Schumacher Kenyon College
PIRSA:08120044Some things can happen in our Universe, and others cannot. The laws of physics establish the boundary between possibility and impossibility. Physicists naturally spend most of their time thinking about the possible. In this lecture, however, we will make a brief reconnaissance across the frontier to study impossible things and discover the surprising connections between them. We will encounter standard science-fiction devices like time machines and faster-than-light spaceships -- as well as other, less-familiar prodigies including quantum cloners and bounded electromagnetic miracles. A safe return to the real world is unconditionally guaranteed.
Benjamin Schumacher is Professor of Physics at Kenyon College, where he has taught for twenty years. He was an undergraduate at Hendrix College and received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics from the University of Texas at Austin in 1990, where he was the last doctoral student of John Archibald Wheeler.
As one of the founders of quantum information theory, Professor Schumacher introduced the term qubit, invented quantum data compression (also known as Schumacher compression), and established several fundamental results about the information capacity of quantum systems. For his contributions he won the 2002 Quantum Communication Award, the premier international prize in the field, and was named a Fellow of the American Physical Society. Besides his interest in quantum information theory, Dr. Schumacher has contributed to other areas involving black holes, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics. He is the author of numerous scientific papers and a textbook, Physics in Spacetime: An introduction to special relativity.
Professor Schumacher has been a visitor at Los Alamos National Laboratory, the Institute for Quantum Information at Caltech (where he was a Moore Distinguished Scholar), the Isaac Newton Institute of Cambridge University, the Santa Fe Institute, Perimeter Institute and the Universities of New Mexico, Montreal, Innsbruck and Queensland. At Kenyon College, Professor Schumacher teaches physics, but he also regularly ventures into astronomy, mathematics, scientific computing and the humanities. -
From Tornadoes to Black Holes: How to Survive an Information Catastrophe
Patrick Hayden Stanford University
Black holes are regions of space with gravity so strong that nothing can escape from them, not even light. This isn't science fiction - there's even a gigantic black hole at the center of our galaxy. It's hard to imagine a more effective way to irrevocably erase and destroy a computer's hard drive than to drop it into a nice big black hole. But is the information on that drive really gone forever? Paradoxically, there's a good chance that not only does the information come back, it comes back in the blink of an eye. This surprise return of the information is based on the same principles that might someday make reliable quantum computers a reality. In fact, engineers are already exploiting these principles to help distribute software and stream video over the internet. And that's where the tornadoes come in... -
The Drunkard's Walk
Leonard Mlodinow California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Division of Physics Mathematics & Astronomy
PIRSA:09050048In The Drunkard's Walk, acclaimed writer and scientist Leonard Mlodinow shows us how randomness, change, and probability reveal a tremendous amount about our daily lives, and how we misunderstand the significance of everything from a casual conversation to a major financial setback. As a result, successes and failures in life are often attributed to clear and obvious cases, when in actuality they are more profoundly influenced by chance. By showing us the true nature of chance and revealing the psychological illusions that cause us to misjudge the world around us, Mlodinow gives us the tools we need to make more informed decisions.
Leonard Mlodinow received his doctorate in physics from the University of California, Berkeley, was an Alexander von Humboldt fellow at the Max Planck Institute, and now teaches about randomness to future scientists at Caltech. Along the way he also wrote for the television series MacGyver and Star Trek: The Next Generation. His previous books include Euclid's Window: The Story of Geometry from Parallel Lines to Hyperspace, Feynman's Rainbow: A Search for Beauty in Physics and in Life, and, with Stephen Hawking, A Briefer History of Time. He lives in South Pasadena, California. -
The Universe from Beginning to End
Brian Schmidt Australian National University
Astronomers believe our Universe began in a Big Bang, and is expanding around us. Brian Schmidt will describe the life of the Universe that we live in, and how astronomers have used observations to trace our Universe's history back more than 13 Billion years. With this data a puzzling picture has been pieced together where 96% of the Cosmos is made up of two mysterious substances, Dark Matter and Dark Energy. These two mysterious forms of matter are in a battle for domination of the Universe, and Schmidt will describe experiments that are monitoring the struggle between Dark Energy and Dark Matter, trying better understand these elusive pieces of our Universe, and predict the ultimate fate of the Cosmos.