Talks by Natalia Toro
Standard Model (Review) - Lecture 7
Stanford University
Stanford University
Standard Model (Review) - Lecture 6
Stanford University
Stanford University
Standard Model (Review) - Lecture 5
Stanford University
Stanford University
Standard Model (Review) - Lecture 4
Stanford University
Stanford University
Standard Model (Review) - Lecture 3
Stanford University
Stanford University
Standard Model (Review) - Lecture 2
Stanford University
Stanford University
Standard Model (Review) - Lecture 1
Stanford University
Stanford University
What the Higgs is going on at the LHC?
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Stanford University
Stanford University
New York University (NYU)
P.I. Chats: Faster-than-light neutrinos?
University of Waterloo
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Stanford University
Smash, Bang, Boom: Fundamental Physics at the LHC
Stanford University -