Numerical simulations of binary black holes with spin have revealed some surprising behavior: for antialigned spins in the orbital plane, 1) one sees an up-and-down "bobbing" of the entire orbital plane at the orbital frequency and 2) the merged black hole receives an enormous kick that depends on the phase at merger. Natural questions are: What causes the bobbing? Can the kick be viewed as a post-merger continuation of the bobbing?
We show that this type of bobbing is in fact ubiquitous in relativistic mechanics, occurring independently of the type of force holding two spinning bodies in orbit. The cause can be identified as a spin correction to the naive center of mass of a body; the effect is analogous to Thomas precession and is ``purely kinematical'' in the same way. Since a kick requires the release of field momentum, it is instead very dependent on the type of force holding bodies in orbit. In a mechanical analog (spinning balls connected by a string), there is bobbing but can be no kick. In an electromagnetic analog, one should be able to tune the kick independently of the bobbing. In the gravitational case the spin parameter happens to control both bobbing and kick, making separate tuning impossible and giving the appearance of causation to two essentially unrelated phenomena.
Our answers are therefore: the bobbing is caused by a purely kinematical effect of spin, and the kick cannot be viewed its post-merger continuation.
The dynamics of fluids is a long standing challenge that remained as an unsolved problem for centuries. Understanding its main features, chaos and turbulence, is likely to provide an understanding of the principles and non-linear dynamics of a large class of systems far from equilibrium. We consider a conceptually new viewpoint to study these features using black hole dynamics. Since the gravitational field is characterized by a curved geometry, the gravity variables provide a geometrical framework for studying the dynamics of fluids: A geometrization of turbulence. We present new experimental predictions for relativsitic and non-relativistic turbulent flows and for heavy ion collisions.
Quantum computers have emerged as the natural architecture to study the physics of strongly correlated many-body quantum systems, thus providing a major new impetus to the field of many-body quantum physics. While the method of choice for simulating classical many-body systems has long since been the ubiquitous Monte Carlo method, the formulation of a generalization of this method to the quantum regime has been impeded by the fundamental peculiarities of quantum mechanics, including, interference effects and the no-cloning theorem.
We overcome those difficulties by constructing a quantum algorithm to sample from the Gibbs distribution of a quantum Hamiltonian at arbitrary temperatures, both for bosonic and fermionic systems. This is a further step in validating the quantum computer as a full quantum simulator, with a wealth of possible applications to quantum chemistry, condensed matter physics and high energy physics.
This talk will describe the best current understanding of the interior structure of astronomically realistic black holes.
A common misconception is that matter falling into a black hole simply falls to a central singularity, and that's that.
Reality is much more interesting. Rotating black holes have not only outer horizons, but also inner horizons. Penrose (1968) first pointed out that an infaller falling through the inner horizon would see the outside Universe infinitely blueshifted, and he speculated that this would destabilize the inner horizon.
The expectation was supported by linear perturbation theory, but it was not until 1990 that Poisson & Israel were able to clarify the nonlinear evolution of the instability at the inner horizon, which they called mass inflation. Inflation accelerates ingoing (positive energy) and outgoing (negative energy) streams to exponentially huge energies. The black hole thus behaves like a particle accelerator of extraordinary power, accelerating ingoing and outgoing particles to collide with each other at super-Planckian energies. The talk raises the fundamental question:
What does Nature do with this remarkable accelerator?
The dynamics of fluids is a long standing challenge that remained as an unsolved problem for centuries. Understanding its main features, chaos and turbulence, is likely to provide an understanding of the principles and non-linear dynamics of a large class of systems far from equilibrium. We consider a conceptually new viewpoint to study these features using black hole dynamics. Since the gravitational field is characterized by a curved geometry, the gravity variables provide a geometrical framework for studying the dynamics of fluids: A geometrization of turbulence. We present new experimental predictions for relativsitic and non-relativistic turbulent flows and for heavy ion collisions.
I will discuss the emergence of large, localized, pseudo-stable configurations (oscillons) from inflaton fragmentation at the end of inflation. Remarkably, the emergent oscillons take up >50 per cent of the energy density of the inflaton. First, I will give an overview of oscillons, provide some analytic solutions and discuss their stability. Then, I will discuss the conditions necessary for their emergence and provide estimates for their cosmological number density. I will show results from detailed 3+1-dimensional numerical simulations and compare them to the analytic estimates. Finally, I discuss possible observational consequences of oscillons in the early universe.
Single-sector supersymmetry breaking models provide a unified explanation of two of the central mysteries of fundamental physics: the Planck/Weak hierarchy and the masses and mixings of the Standard Model particles. In this class of models, the flavor hierarchy is generated by quark and lepton compositeness, with the composites emerging from the same sector that dynamically breaks supersymmetry. In this seminar I will describe the first calculable, via a weakly coupled dual description, realization of this scenario. In the second part, I will explain how String Theory provides, via the gauge/gravity correspondence, another computational tool for handling the kind of strongly coupled gauge theories that arise in this context.