This is an introduction to background independent quantum theories of
gravity, with a focus on loop quantum gravity and related approaches.
Basic texts:
-Quantum Gravity, by Carlo Rovelli, Cambridge University Press 2005 -Quantum gravityy with a positive cosmological constant, Lee Smolin,
-Invitation to loop quantum gravity, Lee Smolin, hep-th/0408048 -Gauge fields, knots and gravity, JC Baez, JP Muniain
-undergraduate quantum mechanics
-basics of classical gauge field theories
-basic general relativity
-hamiltonian and lagrangian mechanics
-basics of lie algebras
This is an introduction to background independent quantum theories of
gravity, with a focus on loop quantum gravity and related approaches.
Basic texts:
-Quantum Gravity, by Carlo Rovelli, Cambridge University Press 2005 -Quantum gravityy with a positive cosmological constant, Lee Smolin,
-Invitation to loop quantum gravity, Lee Smolin, hep-th/0408048 -Gauge fields, knots and gravity, JC Baez, JP Muniain
-undergraduate quantum mechanics
-basics of classical gauge field theories
-basic general relativity
-hamiltonian and lagrangian mechanics
-basics of lie algebras
Asymptotic statements like the almost-equi-partition law, the theorm of Shannon Mc -Millan-Breiman, the theorem of Sanov have all natural quantum analogs. They all talk about the thermodynamik limit of quantum spin systems. I will try to summarize these results and sketch the main ideas of proof.
I look at the information-processing involved in a quantum computation, in terms of the difference between the Boolean logic underlying a classical computation and the non-Boolean logic represented by the projective geometry of Hilbert space, in which the subspace structure of Hilbert space replaces the set-theoretic structure of classical logic. I show that the original Deutsch XOR algorithm, Simon's algorithm, and Shor's algorithm all involve a similar geometric formulation. In terms of this picture, I consider the question of where the speedup relative to classical algorithms comes from.