277 - 288 of 16392 Results
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- Aix-Marseille University
Can the quantum switch be deterministically simulated?
University of GenevaGraviton non-Gaussianity with non-Bunch-Davies initial conditions
University of TokyoIndefinite causal order and the arrow of time
University of Hong Kong (HKU)Tutorial - Indefinite quantum causality
Institut NeelCluster Decomposition and Two Senses of Isolability
Michael MillerHigher-order Quantum Processes are Characterized by the Logic of their Signaling Relations
Université Paris-SaclaySelf-testing quantum supermaps, with an application to the quantum switch
Inria centre at the University Grenoble AlpesFrom Locality to Causality in the Heisenberg Picture
Charles Alexandre BédardEverything that can be learned about a causal structure with latent variables by observational and interventional probing schemes
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics