The study of the worldsheet S-matrix for AdS_5×S^5
strings was a key step in
the complete determination of the non-pertubrative planar
spectrum of anomalous
dimensions for N=4 super-Yang-Mills. To go beyond
the spectral problem it is
important to consider higher-point
worldsheet correlation functions and, as is
standard in many integrable models, one approach is
the study of form factors.
We will discuss a set of consistency conditions appropriate
to form factors in
the light-cone gauge
fixed AdS_5×S^5 string theory. We further
discuss the
form factors in the weakly coupled dual description,
verifying that the relevant conditions naturally hold for the one-loop Heisenberg
Dark energy coupled to Standard Model fermions and gauge
bosons gives rise to fifth forces and new particles, which are readily
accessible to experiments from laboratory to cosmological scales. I will discuss chameleon and symmetron
models, whose fifth forces are screened locally through large effective masses
and symmetry-restoring phase transitions, respectively. Fifth force experiments such as the Eot-Wash
torsion balance will test chameleons with small quantum corrections and
gravitation-strength fifth forces, as well as symmetrons with coupling energies
just beyond the Standard Model scale. A
dark energy coupling to electromagnetism would imply that photons passing
through a magnetic field will oscillate into particles of dark energy, a
phenomenon studied by afterglow experiments such as CHASE. After constraining dark energy using
laboratory experiments, I proceed to astrophysical probes. Particles of a photon-coupled dark energy
could be produced in the Sun and detected in magnetic helioscopes such as CAST,
while fifth forces may alter the dynamics of variable stars and the growth of
large-scale structure.
In this talk we will present results on all one-loop scattering amplitudes in N=6 Chern-Simons matter theories. Especially we will discuss connection between certain triple-cut diagrams and tree-level recursive diagrams, and a general formula capturing the multi-particle factorization of arbitrary one-loop amplitudes in the theories is obtained from this connection. Furthermore a recursion relation for the supercoefficients of one-loop amplitudes will be derived, which leads the solution for all one-loop amplitudes.
In this talk I will sketch a project which aims at the
design of systematic and efficient procedures to infer quantum models from
measured data. Progress in experimental control have enabled an increasingly
fine tuned probing of the quantum nature of matter, e.g., in superconducting
qubits. Such experiments have shown that we not always have a good
understanding of how to model the experimentally performed measurements via
POVMs. It turns out that the ad hoc postulation of POVMs can lead to
inconsistencies. For example, when doing asymptotic state tomography via linear
inversion, one sometimes recovers density operators which are significantly not
positive semidefinite. Assuming the asymptotic regime, we suggest an
alternative procedure where we do not make a priori assumptions on the quantum
model, i.e., on the Hilbert space dimension, the prepared states or the
measured POVMs. In other words, we simultaneously estimate the dimension of the
underlying Hilbert space, the quantum states and the POVMs. We are guided by
Occam's razor, i.e., we search for the minimal quantum model consistent with
the data.
In this talk, I'll give a brief summary of how one-loop
bulk effects
renormalize both bulk and brane effective interactions for geometries sourced by codimension-two
branes. I'll then discuss what these results imply for a six-dimensional
supergravity model which aims to capture the features that make extra-dimensional
physics attractive for understanding naturalness issues in particle physics.
I'll also emphasize the role that brane back-reaction plays in yielding
unexpected results, and present a one-loop contribution to the 4D vacuum energy
whose size is set by the KK scale.