Integral Transforms & Green's Functions - Lecture 2 David Kubiznak Charles University August 28, 2012 PIRSA:12080029 Mathematical physics
Integral Transforms & Green's Functions - Lecture 1 David Kubiznak Charles University August 27, 2012 PIRSA:12080028 Mathematical physics
Calculus of Variation and Gaussian Integrals - Lecture 4 August 24, 2012 PIRSA:12080027 Mathematical physics
Special Functions and Diff. Eqs. - Lecture 4 Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics August 24, 2012 PIRSA:12080023 Mathematical physics
DT-invariants and $K_2$ Maxim Kontsevich Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) August 23, 2012 PIRSA:12080009 Mathematical physics
Where is the PdV term in the first law of black-hole thermodynamics? Brian Dolan National University of Ireland August 23, 2012 PIRSA:12080043
Calculus of Variation and Gaussian Integrals - Lecture 3 August 23, 2012 PIRSA:12080026 Mathematical physics
Special Functions and Diff. Eqs. - Lecture 3 Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics August 23, 2012 PIRSA:12080022 Mathematical physics
Calculus of Variation and Gaussian Integrals - Lecture 2 August 22, 2012 PIRSA:12080025 Mathematical physics
Special Functions and Diff. Eqs. - Lecture 2 Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics August 22, 2012 PIRSA:12080021 Mathematical physics
Resurgence from the path integral perspective Maxim Kontsevich Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) August 21, 2012 PIRSA:12080008 Mathematical physics
Integral Transforms & Green's Functions - Lecture 2 David Kubiznak Charles University August 28, 2012 PIRSA:12080029 Mathematical physics
Integral Transforms & Green's Functions - Lecture 1 David Kubiznak Charles University August 27, 2012 PIRSA:12080028 Mathematical physics
Calculus of Variation and Gaussian Integrals - Lecture 4 August 24, 2012 PIRSA:12080027 Mathematical physics
Special Functions and Diff. Eqs. - Lecture 4 Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics August 24, 2012 PIRSA:12080023 Mathematical physics
DT-invariants and $K_2$ Maxim Kontsevich Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) August 23, 2012 PIRSA:12080009 Mathematical physics TBA
Where is the PdV term in the first law of black-hole thermodynamics? Brian Dolan National University of Ireland August 23, 2012 PIRSA:12080043 TBA
Calculus of Variation and Gaussian Integrals - Lecture 3 August 23, 2012 PIRSA:12080026 Mathematical physics
Special Functions and Diff. Eqs. - Lecture 3 Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics August 23, 2012 PIRSA:12080022 Mathematical physics
Calculus of Variation and Gaussian Integrals - Lecture 2 August 22, 2012 PIRSA:12080025 Mathematical physics
Special Functions and Diff. Eqs. - Lecture 2 Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics August 22, 2012 PIRSA:12080021 Mathematical physics
Resurgence from the path integral perspective Maxim Kontsevich Institut des Hautes Etudes Scientifiques (IHES) August 21, 2012 PIRSA:12080008 Mathematical physics TBA