Counting open Riemann surface with Lagrangian boundary condition and Perturvative Chern-Simons Gauge theory November 22, 2004 PIRSA:04110029
The Arithmetic of Calabi-Yau Manifolds Xenia de la Ossa University of Oxford November 21, 2004 PIRSA:04110028
Matrix Factorizations: Stability and Mirror Symmetry Johannes Walcher McGill University November 21, 2004 PIRSA:04110027
Strominger-Yau-Zaslow revisited David Morrison University of California, Santa Barbara November 21, 2004 PIRSA:04110024
Higher Genus Amplitudes on Compact Calabi-Yau and Threshold Corrections Albrecht Klemm Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn November 20, 2004 PIRSA:04110023
Topological sigma-models and generalized complex geometry Anton Kapustin California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Division of Physics Mathematics & Astronomy November 20, 2004 PIRSA:04110022
G_2 geometry and mirror triality Conan Leung Chinese University of Hong Kong November 20, 2004 PIRSA:04110021
Arithmetic Varieties from String Theory and D-branes Rolf Schimmrigk November 20, 2004 PIRSA:04110020
Counting open Riemann surface with Lagrangian boundary condition and Perturvative Chern-Simons Gauge theory November 22, 2004 PIRSA:04110029
The Arithmetic of Calabi-Yau Manifolds Xenia de la Ossa University of Oxford November 21, 2004 PIRSA:04110028
Matrix Factorizations: Stability and Mirror Symmetry Johannes Walcher McGill University November 21, 2004 PIRSA:04110027
Strominger-Yau-Zaslow revisited David Morrison University of California, Santa Barbara November 21, 2004 PIRSA:04110024
Higher Genus Amplitudes on Compact Calabi-Yau and Threshold Corrections Albrecht Klemm Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn November 20, 2004 PIRSA:04110023
Topological sigma-models and generalized complex geometry Anton Kapustin California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Division of Physics Mathematics & Astronomy November 20, 2004 PIRSA:04110022
G_2 geometry and mirror triality Conan Leung Chinese University of Hong Kong November 20, 2004 PIRSA:04110021
Arithmetic Varieties from String Theory and D-branes Rolf Schimmrigk November 20, 2004 PIRSA:04110020