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Area law of non-critical ground states in 1D long-range interacting systems


Kuwahara, T. (2020). Area law of non-critical ground states in 1D long-range interacting systems. Perimeter Institute.

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The area law for entanglement provides one of the most important connections between information theory and quantum many-body physics. It is not only related to the universality of quantum phases, but also to efficient numerical simulations in the ground state (i.e., the lowest energy state).  Various numerical observations have led to a strong belief that the area law is true for every non-critical phase in short-range interacting systems [1]. The so-called area-law conjecture states that the entanglement entropy is proportional to the surface region of subsystem if the ground state is non-critical (or gapped). 

However, the area law for long-range interacting systems is still elusive as the long-range interaction results in correlation patterns similar to the ones in critical phases. Here, we show that for generic non-critical one-dimensional ground states, the area law robustly holds without any corrections even under long-range interactions [2]. Our result guarantees an efficient description of ground states by the matrix-product state in experimentally relevant long-range systems, which justifies the density-matrix renormalization algorithm. In the present talk, I will give an overview of the results, and show ideas of the proof if the time allows. 


[1] J. Eisert, M. Cramer, and M. B. Plenio, ``Colloquium: Area laws for the entanglement entropy,'' Rev. Mod. Phys. 82, 277–306 (2010).

[2] T. Kuwahara and K. Saito, ``Area law of non-critical ground states in 1d long-range interacting systems,'' arXiv preprint arXiv:1908.11547 (2019),