
Physics with non-perturbative quantum gravity: the end of the Hawking evaporation


Rovelli, C. (2023). Physics with non-perturbative quantum gravity: the end of the Hawking evaporation. Perimeter Institute. https://pirsa.org/23050133


Rovelli, Carlo. Physics with non-perturbative quantum gravity: the end of the Hawking evaporation. Perimeter Institute, May. 12, 2023, https://pirsa.org/23050133


          @misc{ pirsa_PIRSA:23050133,
            doi = {10.48660/23050133},
            url = {https://pirsa.org/23050133},
            author = {Rovelli, Carlo},
            keywords = {Quantum Gravity, Cosmology},
            language = {en},
            title = {Physics with non-perturbative quantum gravity: the end of the Hawking evaporation},
            publisher = {Perimeter Institute},
            year = {2023},
            month = {may},
            note = {PIRSA:23050133 see, \url{https://pirsa.org}}

Carlo Rovelli Aix-Marseille University

Talk numberPIRSA:23050133


Quantum gravitational phenomena dominate the physics of a black hole in the past of a high curvature spacelike surface. Because of the backreaction of the evaporation, this surface crosses the horizon. I describe a recent line of investigation on the possible evolution compatible with nonperturbative quantum gravity, and in particular I illustrate what can be predicted using loop quantum gravity.