325 - 336 of 724 Results
Format results
11 talks-Collection NumberC15071
Tensor network studies of 2D fermionic and frustrated systems
Universiteit van Amsterdam -
Tensor network renormalization
Alphabet (United States) -
Eigenstate thermalization and many body localization in the random field Heisenberg chain
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign -
Statistical physics of statistical inference with hidden variables
Northwestern University -
Abelian Topological Phases: Symmetries, Defects, and Entanglement
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign -
Discussion 1
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign -
Particle-hole symmetry and the nature of the composite fermion
University of Chicago
PSI 2015/2016 - Statistical Mechanics (Baskaran)
14 talks-Collection NumberC15067Talk
PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Field Theory I (Ali, Wohns)
14 talks-Collection NumberC15062Talk
PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Field Theory I - Lecture 1
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:15100036 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Field Theory I - Lecture 2
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:15100037 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Field Theory I - Lecture 3
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:15100038 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Field Theory I - Lecture 4
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:15100039 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Field Theory I - Lecture 5
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:15100040 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Field Theory I - Lecture 6
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:15100041 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Field Theory I - Lecture 7
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:15100042 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Field Theory I - Lecture 8
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:15100043 -
Condensed Matter Physics and Topological Field Theory
13 talks-Collection NumberC15070Talk
Bulk-boundary correspondence for 3D symmetry-protected topological phases
University of ChicagoPIRSA:15100101 -
Realizing anomalous anyonic symmetries at the surfaces of 3d gauge theories
Stony Brook University -
2+1D topological orders and braided fusion category
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of Physics -
Graded fusion categories and homotopy theory
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) -
Fermionic phases of matter and spin-structures
California Institute of Technology (Caltech) - Division of Physics Mathematics & Astronomy -
Time reversal invariant gapped boundaries of the double semion state
University of MinnesotaPIRSA:15100108 -
(3+1)-TQFTs from G-crossed braided fusion categories and their lattice realization
Microsoft CorporationPIRSA:15100109
Renormalization in Background Independent Theories: Foundations and Techniques
15 talks-Collection NumberC15064Talk
Observable currents for effective field theories and their context
National Autonomous University of Mexico -
Efficient numerical methods for modern computing systems
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
PSI 2015/2016 - Relativity (Turok)
14 talks-Collection NumberC15059Talk
PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Theory (Emerson)
14 talks-Collection NumberC15060Talk
PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Theory - Lecture 4
PIRSA:15090045 -
Noncommutative Geometry and Physics
9 talksCollection NumberC15061Talk
Nonassociative geometry, Hom-associative algebras, and cyclic homology
University of Windsor -
The classification of well behaved simple C*-algebras
University of Toronto -
The standard model of particle physics as a non-commutative differential graded algebra
University of Edinburgh -
Spectral Action Models of Gravity and Packed Swiss Cheese Cosmology
University of Toronto -
The Planck scale and spectral geometry
University of Waterloo -
PSI 2015/2016 - Lie Groups and Algebras (Xu)
5 talks-Collection NumberC15045Talk
PSI 2015/2016 - Lie Groups and Algebras - Lecture 1
PIRSA:15080104 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Lie Groups and Algebras - Lecture 2
PIRSA:15080105 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Lie Groups and Algebras - Lecture 3
PIRSA:15090011 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Lie Groups and Algebras - Lecture 4
PIRSA:15090012 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Lie Groups and Algebras - Lecture 5
PSI 2015/2016 - Special Functions (Wohns)
4 talks-Collection NumberC15048Talk
PSI 2015/2016 - Special Functions - Lecture 1
PIRSA:15080113 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Special Functions - Lecture 2
PIRSA:15090014 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Special Functions - Lecture 3
PIRSA:15090015 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Special Functions - Lecture 4
Mathematica Summer School
18 talks-Collection NumberC15040Talk
Welcome to “Mathematica Summer School”
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Mathematica School Lecture - 2015
Bariloche Atomic Centre -
Quantum mechanics in the early universe
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS) -
Ground state entanglement and tensor networks
Alphabet (United States) -
Quantum mechanics in the early universe
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS) -
Mathematica School Lecture - 2015
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Holographic entanglement entropy
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PSI 2015/2016 - Introduction to Cosmology (Johnson)
3 talks-Collection NumberC15047Talk
PSI 2015/2016 - Introduction to Cosmology - Lecture 1
PIRSA:15080110 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Introduction to Cosmology - Lecture 2
PIRSA:15080111 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Introduction to Cosmology - Lecture 3
PI-UIUC Joint Workshop on Strongly Correlated Quantum Many-Body Systems 2015
11 talks-Collection NumberC15071PI-UIUC Joint Workshop on Strongly Correlated Quantum Many-Body Systems 2015 -
PSI 2015/2016 - Statistical Mechanics (Baskaran)
14 talks-Collection NumberC15067PSI 2015/2016 - Statistical Mechanics (Baskaran) -
PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Field Theory I (Ali, Wohns)
14 talks-Collection NumberC15062PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Field Theory I (Ali, Wohns) -
Condensed Matter Physics and Topological Field Theory
13 talks-Collection NumberC15070Condensed Matter Physics and Topological Field Theory -
Renormalization in Background Independent Theories: Foundations and Techniques
15 talks-Collection NumberC15064Renormalization in Background Independent Theories: Foundations and Techniques -
PSI 2015/2016 - Relativity (Turok)
14 talks-Collection NumberC15059PSI 2015/2016 - Relativity (Turok) -
PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Theory (Emerson)
14 talks-Collection NumberC15060PSI 2015/2016 - Quantum Theory (Emerson) -
Noncommutative Geometry and Physics
9 talksCollection NumberC15061Noncommutative Geometry and Physics -
PSI 2015/2016 - Lie Groups and Algebras (Xu)
5 talks-Collection NumberC15045PSI 2015/2016 - Lie Groups and Algebras (Xu) -
PSI 2015/2016 - Special Functions (Wohns)
4 talks-Collection NumberC15048PSI 2015/2016 - Special Functions (Wohns) -
PSI 2015/2016 - Introduction to Cosmology (Johnson)
3 talks-Collection NumberC15047PSI 2015/2016 - Introduction to Cosmology (Johnson)