685 - 696 of 724 Results
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25 talks-Collection NumberC06001
Emergence of Spacetime Workshop - 2005
6 talks-Collection NumberC05014Talk
Emergence of quantum spacetime from causal dynamical triangulations
Radboud Universiteit NijmegenPIRSA:05110012 -
An origin of light and electrons -- a unification of gauge interaction and Fermi statistics
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Department of PhysicsPIRSA:05110013 -
Error free quantum gravity
PIRSA:05110014 -
Emergent Spacetime in Noncritical String and M-Theory
University of California, BerkeleyPIRSA:05110015 -
Computing the universe.
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Center for Extreme Quantum Information Theory (xQIT)PIRSA:05110016
Cosmological Frontiers Conference - 2005
26 talks-Collection NumberC05013Talk
Limits on non-gaussianities from WMAP data
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP)PIRSA:05100040 -
String Pair Production in a Time-Dependent Gravitational Field
University of PennsylvaniaPIRSA:05100045
EinsteinFest - 2005
32 talks-Collection NumberC05012Talk
The Cultural Climate of Einsteins Europe around 1905
PIRSA:05100001 -
March 1905: Einstein\'s Revolutionary Quantum Paper
PIRSA:05100003 -
April and May 1905: Witnessing Atoms
PIRSA:05100004 -
Einstein\'s Science Demystified - Ages 15 and up
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsPIRSA:05100005 -
June and September 1905: Reshaping Space, Time and Energy
ISSYP 2005
8 talks-Collection NumberC05011Talk
Quantum Information, Computation and Logic: Exploring New Connections - 2005
25 talks-Collection NumberC05010Talk
Dynamic Quantum Logic 3
PIRSA:05070096 -
Preparation contextuality in its myriad forms
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsPIRSA:05070100 -
Summer School: Strings, Gravity & Cosmology - 2005
66 talks-Collection NumberC05009Talk
Complex Manifolds
PIRSA:05060071 -
Twistor String Theory and Perturbative Yang-Mills 1
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsPIRSA:05060072 -
Twistor String Theory and Perturbative Yang-Mills 2
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsPIRSA:05060074 -
Complex Manifolds
PIRSA:05060075 -
Perturbative String Theory
PIRSA:05060076 -
Complexity and Networks - 2005
3 talks-Collection NumberC05008Talk
Can one measure complexity?
PIRSA:05050026 -
Physica Phantastica 2005
3 talks-Collection NumberC05007Talk
Perimeter/UofT/CITA Mini-Workshop - 2005
6 talks-Collection NumberC05006Talk
Constraints on String Scale and Coupling from Non-Gaussianity
University of GroningenPIRSA:05040048 -
Cosmological Effective Actions Imply New Physics in the CMB
PIRSA:05040049 -
LIGO: Astronomical Observatory and Physics Playground
PIRSA:05040050 -
Modular Cosmology
PIRSA:05040052 -
Panel on Precision Cosmology
Tata Institute of Fundamental Research (TIFR)
McGill University - Department of Physics
Thematic Program on The Geometry of String Theory 2004 - 2005: String Phenomenology
33 talks-Collection NumberC05005Talk
Comments on Spectrum-generating Symmetries for D-branes
PIRSA:05030124 -
D3/D7-Brane Inflation and Semilocal Cosmic Strings
PIRSA:05030127 -
On Moduli Stabilisation in Calabi-Yau Flux Compactifications
Cosmology/Strings MiniWorkshop - 2005
2 talks-Collection NumberC05004Talk
Introduction to Quantum Gravity - 2006
25 talks-Collection NumberC06001Introduction to quantum gravity -
Emergence of Spacetime Workshop - 2005
6 talks-Collection NumberC05014Workshop on Emergence of Spacetime -
Cosmological Frontiers Conference - 2005
26 talks-Collection NumberC05013Cosmological Frontiers Conference - October 2005 -
ISSYP 2005
8 talks-Collection NumberC05011International Summer School for Young Physicists is a national two-week summer school designed to capture the scientific imagination of grade 11 students (secondaire V in Qu�bec) and nurture their passion for physics through an exploration of the fascinating mysteries of our universe. -
Quantum Information, Computation and Logic: Exploring New Connections - 2005
25 talks-Collection NumberC05010Both quantum logic (QL) and quantum information (QI) are based on viewing quantum mechanics in terms of concepts closely tied to information, so QL, should be closely connected to QI. On the whole, these two research fields are pursued by separate communities and so a closer collaboration is likely to yield significant insights into both. While taking a broad view of both fields, the workshop will focus on areas that we feel are most likely to spark significant collaboration and new research initiatives. -
Summer School: Strings, Gravity & Cosmology - 2005
66 talks-Collection NumberC05009This will be the third in an ongoing series of annual summer schools in theoretical physics held in Canada. The first and second editions of these schools will be held at the University of British Columbia. These schools are intended to educate graduate students and young researchers on current developments in string theory and its interface with gravity and cosmology. Our intent in organizing the 2005 school at the Perimeter Institute at this time is that it will also offer the students the opportunity to attend the Strings 2005 conference, which will be held in Toronto in the week immediately following the school. -
Complexity and Networks - 2005
3 talks-Collection NumberC05008This spring 2005 seminar series presents some of the concepts and models that have been developed in recent years to explain the emergence of complexity or to parameterize, measure or describe complex systems. This includes the theory of self-organized criticality, information or algorithmic measures of complexity, using networks to capture relevant interactions in physical, biological and technological systems, and attempts to describe turbulence, as well as aspects of biological and social behaviour within this framework. Talks are aimed at an advanced undergraduate audience. -
Physica Phantastica 2005
3 talks-Collection NumberC05007Perimeter Institute brings the full wonder of modern physics and the excitement of 21st -century theoretical physics research into your high school classroom. Many thousands of students have been reached since the program's inception in the fall of 2001. Expanding first throughout South Western Ontario, the program now reaches students in classrooms all across Canada. -
Perimeter/UofT/CITA Mini-Workshop - 2005
6 talks-Collection NumberC05006This mini-workshop will be the next of an ongoing series of one-day meetings between researchers at Perimeter, CITA and University of Toronto. These meetings are held to share new ideas and encourage interactions in our common fields of interest: superstrings, cosmology, particle theory and quantum gravity. -
Thematic Program on The Geometry of String Theory 2004 - 2005: String Phenomenology
33 talks-Collection NumberC05005String phenomenology is an emerging research area in the rich interdisciplinary boundaries of string theory, particle physics, and cosmology. Although research in string phenomenology is motivated by physical questions, progress often comes from connections to more formal and mathematical aspects of string theory. These connections include: *How does the Standard Model of particle physics arise from string theory?: CalabiYau manifolds, G2 manifolds, brane worlds, orientfolds, intersecting Dbranes, warped compactifications, flux compactifications *Can string theory provide a realistic cosmology?: brane cosmology, tachyon condensation, string field theory, decay of unstable branes, thermodynamics of strings and branes, Hagedorn temperature, models of inflation, timedependent backgrounds *What are the experimental signatures of string theory?: brane worlds, extra dimensions, signatures of short distance physics from early universe cosmology, cosmic strings It is truly an exciting time in cosmology where experiments have produced and are continuing to yield an abundance of precision data. Similarly, collider experiments at Fermilab, SLAC and CERN, as well as precision lowenergy experiments, have the potential to make remarkable new discoveries in particle physics in the next five years. Hence string phenomenology is both a timely and exciting topic of a workshop in 2005. -
Cosmology/Strings MiniWorkshop - 2005
2 talks-Collection NumberC05004cosmology/strings miniworkshop kitano, easther, graesser