Cosmologists at Perimeter Institute seek to help pin down the constituents and history of our universe, and the rules governing its origin and evolution. Many of the most interesting clues about physics beyond the standard model (e.g., dark matter, dark energy, the matter/anti-matter asymmetry, and the spectrum of primordial density perturbations], come from cosmological observations, and cosmological observations are often the best way to test or constrain a proposed modification of the laws of nature, since such observations can probe length scales, time scales, and energy scales that are beyond the reach of terrestrial laboratories.
The presence of additional light fields during inflation
can source isocurvature fluctuations, which can cause the curvature
perturbation $\zeta$, and its statistics to evolve on superhorizon scales. I
will demonstrate that if these fluctuations have not completely decayed before
the onset of perturbative reheating, then primordial observables such as the
level of non--Gaussianity can develop substantial reheating dependant
corrections. I will argue that for inflationary models where an adiabatic
condition is not reached before the relevant fields begin to decay, we must be
careful in our interpretation of any observational constraints that place
bounds on the statistics of $\zeta$.
We apply CMB lensing techniques to large scale structure
and solve for the 3-D cosmic tidal field. We use small scale filamentary
structures to solve for the large scale tidal shear and gravitational
By comparing this to the redshift space density field,
one can measure the gravitational growth factor on large scales without cosmic
variance. This potentially enables accurate measurements of neutrino masses and
reconstruction of radial modes lost in 21 cm intensity mapping, which are
essential for CMB and other cross correlations. We relate the tidal fields to
the squeezed limit bispectrum, and present initial results from simulations and
data from the SDSS.
In my talk I will discuss our recent paper
hep-th/1211.1322 where we construct a 3D conformal field theory dual to
asymptotically AdS cosmology in four dimensions. Due to the scale invariance
this dual theory allows an infinite family of instantons each of which breaks
the conformal group O(3,2) down to O(3,1). These instantons are dual to bulk
instantons responsible for nucleating an O(3,1) invariant cosmological
bubble. Presumably they indicate an
infinite instability rate, however we are able to sum over all of them
completely. The resulting theory is manifestly stable, unitary and finite.
will discuss superhorizon fluctuations in de Sitter space. The first part of
the talk will focus on computing entanglement entropies of field theories in a
fixed de Sitter background. Those computations are done for free theories and
also theories with gravity duals. If time permits, I will also discuss
superhorizon fluctuations in cosmological backgrounds. In particular, I focus
on showing that subhorizon fluctuations can not produce any significant
backreaction on superhorizon modes. If those late time effects existed, one in
principle could not trust the scale invariant spectrum of inflationary theories
to be the source of the spectrum of thermal fluctuations of the CMB.
When recent observational evidence and the GR+FRW+CDM
model are combined we obtain the result that the Universe is accelerating,
where the acceleration is due to some not-yet-understood "dark
sector". There has been a considerable number of theoretical models
constructed in an attempt to provide an "understanding" of the dark
sector: dark energy and modified gravity theories. The
proliferation of modified gravity and dark energy models has brought to light
the need to construct a "generic" way to parameterize the dark
We will discuss our new way of approaching this problem,
looking at linearised perturbations. Our approach is inspired by that taken in
particle physics, where the most general modifications to the standard model
are written down for a given field content that is compatible with some assumed
symmetry (which we take to be isotropy of the background spatial sections). Our
emphasis is on constructing a theoretically motivated toolkit which can be used
to extract meaningful information about the dark sector (such as its field
content). We find, for example, that the observational impact of very broad
classes of theories can be encoded by a very small (less than 5) number of
parameters. It is these parameters which we hope to measure with observational
Dark energy coupled to Standard Model fermions and gauge
bosons gives rise to fifth forces and new particles, which are readily
accessible to experiments from laboratory to cosmological scales. I will discuss chameleon and symmetron
models, whose fifth forces are screened locally through large effective masses
and symmetry-restoring phase transitions, respectively. Fifth force experiments such as the Eot-Wash
torsion balance will test chameleons with small quantum corrections and
gravitation-strength fifth forces, as well as symmetrons with coupling energies
just beyond the Standard Model scale. A
dark energy coupling to electromagnetism would imply that photons passing
through a magnetic field will oscillate into particles of dark energy, a
phenomenon studied by afterglow experiments such as CHASE. After constraining dark energy using
laboratory experiments, I proceed to astrophysical probes. Particles of a photon-coupled dark energy
could be produced in the Sun and detected in magnetic helioscopes such as CAST,
while fifth forces may alter the dynamics of variable stars and the growth of
large-scale structure.
Fluctuations in the cosmic
microwave background (CMB) contain information which has been pivotal in
establishing the current cosmological model. These data can also be used to
test well-motivated additions to this model, such as
cosmic textures. Textures are a type of topological defect that
can be produced during a cosmological phase transition in the early universe,
and which leave characteristic hot and cold spots in the CMB. We apply Bayesian
methods to carry out an optimal test of the texture hypothesis, using
full-sky data from the Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe. We conclude that
current data do not warrant augmenting the standard cosmological model
with textures. We rule out at 95% confidence models that predict more than
6 detectable cosmic textures on the full sky.
We expound several principles in an attempt to clarify
the debate over infrared loop corrections to the primordial scalar and tensor
power spectra from inflation. Among other things we note that existing
proposals for nonlinear extensions of the scalar fluctuation field $\zeta$
introduce new ultraviolet divergences which no one understands how to
renormalize. Loop corrections and higher correlators of these putative
observables would also be enhanced by inverse powers of the slow roll parameter
$\epsilon$. We propose an extension which might be better behaved.
birefringence is a postulated rotation of the linear polarization of photons
that arises due to a Chern-Simons coupling of a new scalar field to
electromagnetism. In particular, it appears as a generic feature of simple
quintessence models for Dark Energy, and therefore, should it be detected,
could provide insight into the microphysics of cosmic acceleration. Prior work
has sought this rotation, assuming the rotation angle to be uniform across the
sky, by looking for the parity-violating TB and EB correlations in the CMB
temperature/polarization. However, if the scalar field that gives rise to
cosmological birefringence has spatial fluctuations, then the rotation angle
may vary across the sky. In this talk, I will present the results of the first
CMB-based search for direction-dependent cosmological birefringence, using
WMAP-7 data, and report the constraint on the rotation-angle power spectrum for
all multipoles up to the resolution of the instrument. I will discuss the
implications for a specific models for rotation, and show forecasts for Planck
and future experiments. I will then conclude with a brief discussion of other
exotic physical models, such as chiral gravity, and astrophysical scenarios,
such as inhomogeneous reionization, that can be probed using the same analysis.
Holographic cosmology maps cosmological time evolution to
the inverse RG flow of a dual three-dimensional QFT. In cases where this RG flow
connects two closely separated fixed points, QFT correlators may be calculated
perturbatively in terms of the conformal field theory associated with one of the
fixed points, even when the dual QFT is at strong coupling.
Realising slow-roll inflation in these terms, we show how to derive
standard slow-roll inflationary power spectra and non-Gaussianities through
purely holographic calculations. The form of slow-roll inflationary correlators
is seen to be determined by the perturbative breaking of conformal symmetry
away from the fixed point.
After a brief overview of electroweak baryogenesis, I will show how to construct a solution of
the Dirac equation for a CP violating kink wall. This solution nicely reduces
to the known solution for a CP violating thin (step) wall. The novel solution can be helpful for studies
of baryogenesis sources at strong first order phase transitions, which is
relevant for electroweak scale baryogenesis studies.