Format results
13 talks-Collection NumberC24034
Lecture - QFT I, PHYS 601
Gang Xu Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - QFT I, PHYS 601
Gang Xu Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - QFT I, PHYS 601
Gang Xu Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - QFT I, PHYS 601
Gang Xu Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - QFT I, PHYS 601
Gang Xu Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - QFT I, PHYS 601
Gang Xu Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - QFT I, PHYS 601
Gang Xu Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - QFT I, PHYS 601
Gang Xu Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Beautiful Papers - October 7, 2024 - January 31, 2025
17 talks-Collection NumberC24043Talk
Lecture - Beautiful Papers
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Beautiful Papers
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Beautiful Papers
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Beautiful Papers
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Beautiful Papers
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Beautiful Papers
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Beautiful Papers
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Beautiful Papers
Pedro Vieira Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Statistical Physics (Core), PHYS 602, October 7 - November 6, 2024
14 talks-Collection NumberC24033Talk
Lecture - Statistical Physics, PHYS 602
Emilie Huffman Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Statistical Physics, PHYS 602
Emilie Huffman Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Statistical Physics, PHYS 602
Emilie Huffman Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Statistical Physics, PHYS 602
Emilie Huffman Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Statistical Physics, PHYS 602
Emilie Huffman Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Statistical Physics, PHYS 602
Emilie Huffman Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Statistical Physics, PHYS 602
Emilie Huffman Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Statistical Physics, PHYS 602
Emilie Huffman Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Classical Physics (Core), PHYS 776, September 3 - October 4, 2024
15 talks-Collection NumberC24031Talk
Lecture - Classical Physics, PHYS 776
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:24090001 -
Lecture - Classical Physics, PHYS 776
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:24090002 -
Lecture - Classical Physics, PHYS 776
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:24090003 -
Lecture - Classical Physics, PHYS 776
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:24090004 -
Lecture - Classical Physics, PHYS 776
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:24090005 -
Lecture - Classical Physics, PHYS 776
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:24090006 -
Lecture - Classical Physics, PHYS 776
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
PIRSA:24090007 -
Lecture - Classical Physics, PHYS 776
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum Theory (Core), PHYS 605, September 3 – October 4, 2024
14 talks-Collection NumberC24036Talk
Lecture - Quantum Theory, PHYS 605
Bindiya Arora Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Theory, PHYS 605
Bindiya Arora Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Theory, PHYS 605
Bindiya Arora Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Theory, PHYS 605
Bindiya Arora Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Theory, PHYS 605
Bindiya Arora Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Theory, PHYS 605
Bindiya Arora Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Theory, PHYS 605
Bindiya Arora Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Lecture - Quantum Theory, PHYS 605
Dan Wohns Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
String Theory 2023/24
13 talks-Collection NumberC24025Talk
String Theory Lecture
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
String Theory Lecture
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
String Theory Lecture
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
String Theory Lecture
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
String Theory Lecture
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
String Theory Lecture
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
String Theory Lecture
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
String Theory Lecture
Davide Gaiotto Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Machine Learning 2023/24
12 talks-Collection NumberC24027Talk
Machine Learning Lecture
Mohamed Hibat Allah University of Waterloo
Machine Learning Lecture
Mohamed Hibat Allah University of Waterloo
Machine Learning Lecture
Mohamed Hibat Allah University of Waterloo
Machine Learning Lecture
Mohamed Hibat Allah University of Waterloo
Machine Learning Lecture
Mohamed Hibat Allah University of Waterloo
Machine Learning Lecture
Mohamed Hibat Allah University of Waterloo
Machine Learning Lecture
Mohamed Hibat Allah University of Waterloo
Machine Learning Lecture
Mohamed Hibat Allah University of Waterloo
Quantum Gravity 2023/24
13 talks-Collection NumberC24024Talk
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum Gravity Lecture
Aldo Riello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Mathematical Physics 2023/24
13 talks-Collection NumberC24026Talk
Mathematical Physics Lecture
Kevin Costello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Mathematical Physics Lecture
Kevin Costello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Mathematical Physics Lecture
Kevin Costello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Mathematical Physics Lecture
Kevin Costello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Mathematical Physics Lecture
Kevin Costello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Mathematical Physics Lecture
Kevin Costello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Mathematical Physics Lecture
Kevin Costello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Mathematical Physics Lecture
Kevin Costello Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Strong Gravity 2023/24
13 talks-Collection NumberC24023Talk
Strong Gravity Lecture
William East Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Strong Gravity Lecture
William East Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Strong Gravity Lecture
William East Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Strong Gravity Lecture
William East Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Strong Gravity Lecture
William East Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Strong Gravity Lecture
William East Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Strong Gravity Lecture
William East Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Strong Gravity Lecture
William East Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
GPTs and the probabilistic foundations of quantum theory - mini-course
7 talks-Collection NumberC24021Talk
GPTs and the probabilistic foundations of quantum theory - Lecture
Alexander Wilce Susquehanna University
GPTs and the probabilistic foundations of quantum theory - Lecture
Alexander Wilce Susquehanna University
GPTs and the probabilistic foundations of quantum theory - Lecture
Alexander Wilce Susquehanna University
GPTs and the probabilistic foundations of quantum theory - Lecture
Alexander Wilce Susquehanna University
GPTs and the probabilistic foundations of quantum theory - Lecture
Alexander Wilce Susquehanna University
GPTs and the probabilistic foundations of quantum theory - Lecture
Alexander Wilce Susquehanna University
GPTs and the probabilistic foundations of quantum theory - Lecture
Alexander Wilce Susquehanna University
Particle Physics
12 talks-Collection NumberC24009Talk
Particle Physics Lecture
Asimina Arvanitaki Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Particle Physics Lecture
Asimina Arvanitaki Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Particle Physics Lecture
Asimina Arvanitaki Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Particle Physics Lecture
Asimina Arvanitaki Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Particle Physics Lecture
Asimina Arvanitaki Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Particle Physics Lecture
Asimina Arvanitaki Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Particle Physics Lecture
Junwu Huang Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Particle Physics Lecture
Junwu Huang Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Quantum Field Theory I (Core), PHYS 601, October 7 - November 6, 2024
13 talks-Collection NumberC24034The first half of the course explains why fields are desirable when quantum mechanics meets special relativity. The second half introduces different kinds of spinor fields and their interactions. Instructor: Gang Xu Students who are not part of the PSI MSc program should review enrollment and course format information here: -
Beautiful Papers - October 7, 2024 - January 31, 2025
17 talks-Collection NumberC24043Pedro will lead a mini-course (no credit) at Perimeter Institute. To express your interest in attending please complete this registration form ( by noon on Thursday, October 3. Pedro has selected 9 papers for this mini-course. -Infrared Photons and Gravitons by Weinberg, 1965 -Determination of an Operator Algebra for the 2D Ising Model by Kadanoff and Ceva, 1971 -Confinement of Quarks by Wilson, 1974, -Phenomenological Lagrangians by Weinberg, 1979, -Gravitational Effects on and of Vacuum Decay by Coleman and De Luccia, 1980 -Classical and Quantum Gravity Effects from Planckian Energy Superstring Collisions by Amati, Ciafaloni and Veneziano, 1987 -Quantum Spin Chains and The Haldane Gap by Affleck, 1988 -The Large N Limit of SFTs and Supergravity by Maldacena, 1997 -Entanglement Entropy and Quantum Field Theory by Calabrese and Cardy, 2008 If you think there are super nice papers that are missing that could be better than some of these in a particular topic please contact Pedro directly ([email protected]). The format will be: A] Pedro will give a 1h30m lecture about one of these papers on a Monday or a Friday (the Monday or Friday right after B] unless there is a holiday) B] One week later, X students give a presentation of Y minutes about important recent papers that refer/are related to that paper. At the end of this lecture we give feedback about those presentations. What is X and what is Y depends on how many students volunteer to present. Of course, people who just want to attend without presenting are also most welcome! Location: Alice Room, 3rd Floor, Perimeter Institute, 31 Caroline St N, Waterloo Recording/Zoom Details: Lectures will be recorded for PIRSA; Zoom link will be provided to registered participants. Building Access: Participants who do not have an access card for Perimeter Institute must sign in at the security desk before each session. When attending the lectures you can use the free self-serve coffee/water station on the ground floor. Meals and snacks at the on-site Black Hole Bistro are available at the full menu cost. -
Statistical Physics (Core), PHYS 602, October 7 - November 6, 2024
14 talks-Collection NumberC24033The aim of this course is to explore the main ideas of the statistical physics approach to critical phenomena. We will discuss phase transitions, using the ferromagnetic phase transition and the Ising model as our primary example, with particular emphasis on the renormalisation group approach. Instructor: Emilie Huffman / Maite Dupuis Students who are not part of the PSI MSc program should review enrollment and course format information here: -
Classical Physics (Core), PHYS 776, September 3 - October 4, 2024
15 talks-Collection NumberC24031This is a theoretical physics course that aims to review the basics of theoretical mechanics, special relativity, and classical field theory, with the emphasis on geometrical notions and relativistic formalism, thus setting the stage for the forthcoming courses in Quantum Mechanics, and Quantum Field Theory in particular, as well as in General Relativity and Quantum Gravity. Instructor: Aldo Riello Students who are not part of the PSI MSc program should review enrollment and course format information here: -
Quantum Theory (Core), PHYS 605, September 3 – October 4, 2024
14 talks-Collection NumberC24036The aim of the first part is to present a brief overview of selected topics in quantum theory. Schrodinger, Heisenberg and Interaction picture is discussed and applied to study time evolution. Density matrix and Feynman path integral are introduced. The second part of the course derives the Feynman rules for scalar quantum field theory and introduces renormalization. Instructor: Bindiya Arora / Dan Wohns Students who are not part of the PSI MSc program should review enrollment and course format information here: -
String Theory 2023/24
13 talks-Collection NumberC24025The course covers the basics of String Theory: bosonic strings, D-branes, a bit of superstrings.
Machine Learning 2023/24
12 talks-Collection NumberC24027Machine learning has become a very valuable toolbox for scientists including physicists. In this course, we will learn the basics of machine learning with an emphasis on applications for many-body physics. At the end of this course, you will be equipped with the necessary and preliminary tools for starting your own machine learning projects. -
Quantum Gravity 2023/24
13 talks-Collection NumberC24024The course centers on an in-depth study of the symmetry structure of General Relativity and how this is intimately related to its dynamics and to the challenges posed to its quantization. To achieve this understanding, we will introduce a host of concepts and techniques, broadly (and loosely) known under the name of “Covariant Phase Space Method”. This provides a different perspective on GR’s physics, a perspective in which phase space, rather than spacetime, is front and center. We will apply these ideas and techniques to discuss the so-called Problem of Time, Wald's approach to black hole entropy as a Noether charge, and the relationship between Dirac's Hypersurface Deformation Algebra and GR's symmetries and dynamics. We will also discuss the problem of detecting single gravitons as well as crucial analogies and differences between a quantum electromagnetic and gravitational field. Lecture notes specific for the course will be provided. -
Mathematical Physics 2023/24
13 talks-Collection NumberC24026We will discuss mathematical aspects of classical and quantum field theory, including topics such as: symplectic manifolds and the phase space, symplectic reduction, geometric quantization, Chern-Simons theory, and others. -
Strong Gravity 2023/24
13 talks-Collection NumberC24023This course will introduce some advanced topics in general relativity related to describing gravity in the strong field and dynamical regime. Topics covered include properties of spinning black holes, black hole thermodynamics and energy extraction, how to define horizons in a dynamical setting, formulations of the Einstein equations as constraint and evolution equations, and gravitational waves and how they are sourced. -
GPTs and the probabilistic foundations of quantum theory - mini-course
7 talks-Collection NumberC24021Classical probability theory makes the (mostly, tacit) assumption that any two random experiments can be performed jointly. This assumption seems to fail in quantum theory. A rapidly growing literature seeks to understand QM by placing it in a much broader mathematical landscape of ``generalized probabilistic theories", or GPTs, in which incompatible experiments are permitted. Among other things, this effort has led to (i) a better appreciation that many "characteristically quantum" phenomena (e.g., entanglement) are in fact generic to non-classical probabilistic theories, (ii) a suite of reconstructions of (mostly, finite-dimensional) QM from small packages of assumptions of a probabilistic or operational nature, and (iii) a clearer view of the options available for generalizing QM. This course will offer a survey of this literature, starting from scratch and concluding with a discussion of recent developments.
Mathematical prerequisites: finite-dimensional linear algebra, ideally including tensor products and duality, plus some exposure to category theory (though I will briefly review this material as needed).
Scheduling note: There will be 5 lectures from March 12-26, then a gap of two weeks before the final 2 lectures held April 16 & 18.
Format: In-person only; lectures will be recorded for PIRSA but not live on Zoom.
Particle Physics
12 talks-Collection NumberC24009This course will cover phenomenological studies and experimental searches for new physics beyond the Standard Model, including: naturalness, extra dimension, supersymmetry, grand unification, dark matter candidates (WIMPs and axions) and their detection.