Displaying 601 - 612 of 674
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Living without Birkhoff\'s law
Case Western Reserve University -
Supersymmetric codimension-two branes in six-dimensional gauged supergravity
Carnegie Mellon University -
Devaluation a natural and Hot solution to the cosmological Problem
University of California, Santa Cruz -
Local gravity and the cosmos: using local tests of modified gravity to probe cosmological physics
University of California System -
Constraints on scale dependent non-Gaussianity
Pennsylvania State University -
Scale-dependent growth of structures in viable f(R) theories
Leiden University -
Primordial non-Gaussianity
The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) -
9,000,000,000 years of gravity at work in the cosmic factory
Aix-Marseille University