Particle physics is the science which identifies nature's constituents and interactions at the most fundamental level, with an emphasis on comparing theoretical ideas with both terrestrial experiments and astrophysical observations. This mandate gives it a strong overlap with string theory, quantum gravity and cosmology. Particle physicists at Perimeter Institute are currently involved in identifying how cosmological observations and terrestrial accelerator and underground experiments constrain the theoretical possibilities for physics beyond the Standard Model.
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University of Waterloo
Conformal Gravity Challenges String Theory
University of Connecticut -
Inflation scenario via the Standard Model Higgs boson and LHC
P.N. Lebedev Physical Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences -
Resonant scattering and recombination of pseudo-degenerate WIMPs
University of Victoria -
Backreaction in Closed String Tachyon Condensation
University of Winnipeg -
Gravitational Radiation from Preheating
Kenyon College -
Virtual extra dimensions from unparticle fields
Loyola Marymount University -
Nonlocal Inflation from String Theory
University of Minnesota -
Constraining the inflationary action with cosmological observations
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics