Particle physics is the science which identifies nature's constituents and interactions at the most fundamental level, with an emphasis on comparing theoretical ideas with both terrestrial experiments and astrophysical observations. This mandate gives it a strong overlap with string theory, quantum gravity and cosmology. Particle physicists at Perimeter Institute are currently involved in identifying how cosmological observations and terrestrial accelerator and underground experiments constrain the theoretical possibilities for physics beyond the Standard Model.
Displaying 253 - 264 of 1427
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National Institute for Nuclear Physics
Jordan algebras: from QM to 5D supergravity to … Standard Model?
University of Cambridge -
Potentially realistic SO(10) GUTs and their phenomenology
Charles University -
A tale of two geometries
California Institute of Technology (Caltech) -
Spin(11,3), particles and octonions
University of Nottingham -
Dark photons and the cosmic radiation background
Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) - Center for Theoretical Physics -
Can We Understand the Standard Model Using Octonions?
University of California, Riverside -
Can We Understand the Standard Model?
University of California, Riverside -
Primordial non-gaussianities from consistency relations: a proof of principle
Columbia University -
The Higher Algebra of Supersymmetry
University of Lisbon -
Black hole induced false vacuum decay from first principles
McMaster University