Recently, a new class of topological states has been theoretically predicted and experimentally realized. The topological insulators have an insulating gap in the bulk, but have topologically protected edge or surface states due to the time reversal symmetry. In two dimensions the edge states give rise to the quantum spin Hall (QSH) effect, in the absence of any external magnetic field. I shall review the theoretical prediction[1] of the QSH state in HgTe/CdTe semiconductor quantum wells, and its recent experimental observation[2]. The edge states of the QSH state supports fractionally charged excitations[3]. The QSH effect can be generalized to three dimensions as the topological magneto-electric effect (TME) of the topological insulators[4]. Bi2Te3, Bi2Se3 and Sb2Te3 are theoretically predicted to be topological insulators with a single Dirac cone on the surface[5]. I shall present a realistic experimental proposals to observe the magnetic monopoles on the surface of topological insulators[6]. Topological superconductors and superfluid have been theoretically proposed recently [7], in both two and three dimensions. They have a full pairing gap in the bulk, and their mean field Hamiltonian look identical to that of the topological insulators. However, the gapless surface states consists of a single Majorana cone, containing only half the degree of freedom compared to the single Dirac cone on the surface of a topological insulators. I shall discuss their physics properties and the search for these novel states in real materials. [1] A. Bernevig, T. Hughes and S. C. Zhang, Science, 314, 1757, (2006) [2] M. Koenig et al, Science 318, 766, (2007) [3] J. Maciejko, Chaoxing Liu, Yuval Oreg, Xiao-Liang Qi, Congjun Wu, and Shou-Cheng Zhang, , Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 102}, 256803 (2009). [4] Xiao-Liang Qi, Taylor Hughes and Shou-Cheng Zhang, Phys. Rev B. 78, 195424 (2008) [5] Haijun Zhang, Chao-Xing Liu, Xiao-Liang Qi, Xi Dai, Zhong Fang, and Shou-Cheng Zhang, Nature Physics 5, 438 (2009). [6] Xiao-Liang Qi, Run-Dong Li, Jiadong Zang and Shou-Cheng Zhang, Science 323, 1184 (2009). [7] Xiao-Liang Qi, Taylor L. Hughes, Srinivas Raghu and Shou-Cheng Zhang, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 187001 (2009)
Our starting point is a particular `canvas' aimed to `draw' theories of physics, which has symmetric monoidal categories as its mathematical backbone. With very little structural effort (i.e. in very abstract terms) and in a very short time this categorical quantum mechanics research program has reproduced a surprisingly large fragment of quantum theory. Philosophically speaking, this framework shifts the conceptual focus from `material carriers' such as particles, fields, or other
`material stuff', to `logical flows of information', by mainly encoding how things stand in relation to each other. These relations could, for example, be induced by operations. Composition of these relations is the carrier of all structure.
Thus far the causal structure has been treated somewhat informally within this approach. In joint work with my student Raymond Lal, by restricting the capabilities to compose, we were able to formally encode causal connections. We call the resulting mathematical structure a CauCat, since it combines the symmetric monoidal stricture with Sorkin's CauSets within a single mathematical concept. The relations which now respect causal structure are referred to as processes, which make up the actual `happenings'. As a proof of concept, we show that if in a quantum teleportation protocol one omits classical communication, no information
is transfered. We also characterize Galilean theories.
Classicality is an attribute of certain processes, and measurements are special kinds of processes, defined in terms of their capabilities to correlate other processes to these classical attributes. So rather than quantization, what we do is classicization within our universe of processes. We show how classicality and the causal structure are tightly intertwined.
All of this is still very much work in progress!
We apply newly-developed techniques for studying perturbative scattering amplitudes to gauge theories with matter. It is well known that the N=4 SYM theory has a very simple S-matrix; do other gauge theories see similar simplifications in their S-matrices? It turns out the one-loop gluon S-matrix simplifies if the matter representations satisfy some group theoretic constraints. In particular, these constraints can be expressed as linear Diophantine equations involving the higher order Indices (or higher-order Casimirs) of these representations. We solve these constraints to find examples of theories whose gluon scattering amplitudes are as simple as those of the N=4 theory. This class includes the N=2, SU(K) theory with a symmetric and anti-symmetric tensor hypermultiplet. Non-supersymmetric theories with appropriately tuned matter content can also see remarkable simplifications. We find an infinite class of non-supersymmetric amplitudes that are cut-constructible even though naive power counting would suggest the presence of rational remainders.