Betting (or gambling) is a useful tool for studying decision-making in the face of [classical] uncertainty. We would like to understand how a quantum "agent" would act when faced with uncertainty about its [quantum] environment. I will present a preliminary construction of a theory of quantum gambling, motivated by roulette and quantum optics. I'll begin by reviewing classical gambling and the Kelly Criterion for optimal betting. Then I'll demonstrate a quantum optical version of roulette, and discuss some of the challenges and pitfalls in designing such analogues. Quantum agents have access to many more strategies than classical agents. Quantum strategies provide no advantage in classical roulette, but I'll show that a quantum agent can outperform a classical agent in quantum roulette.
The standard model of cosmology has some puzzles/problems such as the
cosmological constant problem and the horizon problem which according to
many stem from our lack of understanding of the very early universe. This in turn means that almost none of the theories of quantum gravity are at a
stage where anything substantial can be said about observational cosmology.
In the past few years Causal Set theory has proved itself different in this
case where a possible solution to the Cosmological constant problem was
proposed. Now some work in progress has also shown that some models of
Causal Set dynamics give exponential expansion in the early universe. I hope to discuss both of these exciting prospects but this talk will mainly focus on the first proposal.