We analyze an exactly solvable model consisting of an inertial
Unruh-DeWitt detector which interacts linearly with a massless quantum
field in Minkowski spacetime with a perfectly reflecting flat plane
boundary. This model is related to proposed mirror-field superposition
and relevant experiments in macroscopic quantum phenomena, as well as
atomic fluctuation forces near a conducting surface. Firstly a coupled
set of equations for the detector’s and the field’s Heisenberg operators
are derived. After coarse graining the field, the dynamics of the
detector’s internal degreeof freedom is described by a quantum Langevin
equation, where the dissipation and noise kernels respectively
correspond to the retarded Green’s functions and Hadamard elementary
functions of the free quantum field in half space. We use the linear
entropy as measures of entanglement between the detector and the quantum
field under mirror reflection, then solve the early-time
detector-fieldentanglement dynamics. At late times when the combined
system is in a stationary state, we obtain exact expressions for the
detector’s covariance matrix and show that the detector-field
entanglement decreases for smaller separation between the detector and
the mirror.We explain the behavior of detector-field entanglement
qualitatively with the help of a detector’s mirror image, compare them
with the case of two real detectors and explain the differences.
I discuss the behaviour of bipartite and
tripartite non-locality between fermionic entangled states shared by observers,
one of whom uniformly accelerates. Although fermionic entanglement persists for
arbitrarily large acceleration, the Bell/CHSH inequalities cannot be violated
for sufficiently large but finite acceleration. However the Svetlichny
inequality, which is a measure of genuine tripartite non-locality, can be violated
for any finite value of the acceleration.
I review the recent work performed on computing the geometric
discord in non-inertial frames. We consider the well-known case of an
inertially maximally entangled state shared by inertial Alice and non-inertial
Robb. It is found that for high accelerations the geometric discord decays to a
negligible amount; this is in stark contrast to the entropic definition of
quantum discord which asymptotes to a finite value in the same limit. Such a
result has two different implications: the first being that usable quantum
correlations are more limited in this regime than previously thought and the
second being that geometric discord may not be a sufficient measure of quantum
correlations. I will discuss both of these perspectives.
We consider quantum teleportation of continuous variables in a relativistic system with the Unruh-DeWitt detectorscoupled to a common quantum field initially in the Minkowski vacuum. An unknown coherent state of an Unruh-DeWitt detector is teleported from one inertial agent (Alice) to an almost uniformly accelerated agent (Rob), using a detector pair initially entangled and shared by these two agents. Results for the averaged physical fidelity of quantum teleportation will be discussed.
A number of works in the field of relativistic quantum information have been devoted to the study of entanglement on certain simple families of Unruh-mode entangled states in non-inertial frames. In the fermionic case remarkable results such as the survival of entanglement at infinite acceleration have been obtained. In this talk we will present and analyze some issues related to the anticommuting character of fermionic field operators, which have been overlooked in the past, sometimes leading to unphysical results. We provide a simple way of obtaining physical results, yielding interesting consequences such as convergence of field entanglement for different families of Unruh mode-entangled states in the infinite acceleration limit.
We discuss gedanken
experiments for measuring local and non-local observables in QFT that
respect causality, and can by used to test the entanglement between two spatially distant regions in the vacuum. It is shown that the entanglement
decays exponentially with the distance between the regions and does not vanish, in contrast to the
case of lattice models. We discuss in this respect a possible mechanism which might
explain this persistence effect, and a connection between the Reeh-Schlieder
theorem and superoscillations.
This talk aims to review the obstacles met in QFT to
reach an appropriate definition for such a basic concept as localization. The
anti-local character of the square root of the "- Laplace-Beltrami +
mass^2" operator prevents the existence of localized states with a finite
number of quanta. (Bosonic) quantum fields describe elementary excitations of
an extended system whose ground state is the vacuum. No wonder, there is a
complicated relationship between the cardinal
(quantal) and continuous (spatial) sides of the theory.
We will also analyze the roles (if any) played in RQI by the localized
excitations of the vacuum.
We discuss the thermodynamic properties of the model
exchange quantum spin ice material Yb_2Ti_2O_7. Using exchange parameters
recently determined from high-field neutron scattering measurements, we
calculate the thermodynamic properties of this model system. We find very good
agreement with the heat capacity, entropy and magnetization measurements on the
materials. We show that, in the weak quantum regime, quantum fluctuations lead
to the selection, within the spin-ice manifold, of a conventional ordered
ground state. However, the excitations above the ground state and their
dynamics remain highly non-trivial. They consist of weakly bound
spinon-antispinon pairs separated by long strings.
We present several pieces of indirect evidence that the
low temperature phase transition observed in these materials is to this
conventional ordered state.
Conformal field theories have many applications ranging
from continuous phase transitions in Statistical Mechanics to models of beyond
the Standard Model physics in Particle Physics.
In this talk, I will explain another remarkable
application: some conformal field theories can be used to define and study
Quantum Gravity.
I will also try to give a brief summary of some of the
main ideas being discussed at the conference "Back to the Bootstrap II".