I will present a first-principles derivation of the AdS5/CFT4 T-system up to first non-trivial order in the large 't Hooft coupling expansion. The proof relies on the computation of quantum effects in the fusion of some special line operators, namely the transfer matrices. This computation is done in the pure spinor formalism for the superstring in AdS5xS5. I will also discuss the generalization of this computation to other integrable 2D CFTs that define string theory in AdS backgrounds.
I will show how to solve the AdS/CFT Y-system in terms of a finite set of nonlinear integral equations (FiNLIE). To uniquely define the solution we impose the set of constraints on the Y- and T-functions which can be summarized as: symmetry (PSU(2,2|4) + Z_4) + analyticity + large volume asymptotics. Some of these constraints describe previously unknown properties of the Y-system. As an important check of our approach, we showed that the proposed constraints can be also used to derive the infinite set of the TBA equations. We also successfully checked FiNLIE numerically for the case of Konishi operator.