Cosmologists at Perimeter Institute seek to help pin down the constituents and history of our universe, and the rules governing its origin and evolution. Many of the most interesting clues about physics beyond the standard model (e.g., dark matter, dark energy, the matter/anti-matter asymmetry, and the spectrum of primordial density perturbations], come from cosmological observations, and cosmological observations are often the best way to test or constrain a proposed modification of the laws of nature, since such observations can probe length scales, time scales, and energy scales that are beyond the reach of terrestrial laboratories.
It is argued that the correct quantization of a scalar field theory in de Sitter spacetime involves a de Sitter invariant state which is not the Bunch-Davies vacuum. A novel but natural de Sitter invariant alternative exists and it is suggested that this and is the prefered state for scalar field theories. The argument is based on the exact solution of an interacting scalar field theory.
In the context of the AdS/CFT correspondence, I will discuss model-independent properties shared by bulk theories of gravity with consistent dual descriptions. I will then discuss the prospects of extending these ideas to non-conformal theories, in particular to attempts to realize cosmological theories holographically. I will address the status of in-principle falsifiability of various holographic proposals through internal consistency conditions of the boundary theory.
FRW/CFT duality is a proposal for a holographic dual description for universe created by bubble nucleation. For (3+1) dimensional universe, the dual theory is defined on 2-sphere at the boundary of open universe. I will study correlation functions and explain essential features of FRW/CFT duality: One bulk field corresponds to a tower of CFT operators The boundary theory contains 2D gravity, and the Liouville field plays the role of time. Energy-momentum tensor has dimension 2, as required from the 2D conformal symmetry.
In this talk, I attempt to gain insight into the description of quantum gravity on cosmological spacetimes by considering the physics of families of accelerating observers in spacetimes which admit non-perturbative descriptions vis AdS/CFT.
I will explain how Liouville theory with complex values of its parameters arises naturally in speculative holographic cosmologies. We will encounter Liouville theory of both the ``spacelike'' and ``timelike'' variety. I will then use this as motivation to present some new results on the analytic continuation of Liouville theory recently obtained with Maltz and Witten.
I discuss bubble collisions from the perspective of an observer in a hat. In particular, I emphasize the breaking and restoration of conformal symmetry, as well as (independence of) initial conditions and rate equations. A cartoon version of the problem, Mandelbrot percolation, makes computations tractable. Enjoyable, even.
Motivated by the consistency of black hole complementarity, Sekino and Susskind have conjectured that no physical system can "scramble" its internal degrees of freedom in time faster than (1/T) log S, where T is temperature and S the system's entropy. By considering a number of toy examples and general Lieb-Robinson-type causality bounds, I'll explore the range of validity of the conjecture. Some of these examples suggest that nonlocal Hamiltonians can delocalize information at rates exceeding the fast scrambling bound, but the physical relevance of these examples is unclear. Joint work with Nima Lashkari and Douglas Stanford.
We investigate a simple FRW spacetime realized by a brane construction. This also comes from a Coleman-de Luccia decay from a metastable de Sitter. We motivate a dual description in terms of a low energy effective field theory (EFT) on FRW in one lower dimensions. This EFT is coupled to gravity with a time-dependent Planck mass that grows to infinity at late times. We investigate the entropy bound, correlation functions, and various particle/brane probes as first steps to understand the degrees of freedom building up the EFT. This is work in collaboration with B. Horn, S. Matsuura, E. Silverstein, and G. Torroba.