Cosmologists at Perimeter Institute seek to help pin down the constituents and history of our universe, and the rules governing its origin and evolution. Many of the most interesting clues about physics beyond the standard model (e.g., dark matter, dark energy, the matter/anti-matter asymmetry, and the spectrum of primordial density perturbations], come from cosmological observations, and cosmological observations are often the best way to test or constrain a proposed modification of the laws of nature, since such observations can probe length scales, time scales, and energy scales that are beyond the reach of terrestrial laboratories.
I will discuss symmetries that arise at the infrared fixed point of the RG flow of Einstein gravity, including conformal vs. scale invariance in various dimensions, as well as 1-form generalized global symmetries and new anomalies that arise among them.
Primordial black holes (PBHs), if they exist, may shed light on long-standing questions on the nature
of dark matter and mechanism driving cosmic inflation. If we associate their origin to the presence of enhanced primordial scalar fluctuations generated during inflation, the underlying dynamics that populates these objects can also provide distinctive sources of gravitational waves (GWs), potentially detectable with current or forthcoming GW experiments. Therefore, their population, along with the associated GW signal offer promising opportunities to shed light on the nature of inflation, by opening up a unique window to its dynamics at scales inaccessible by conventional CMB probes. In this talk, I will review some of the compelling inflationary scenarios able to trigger the formation of such objects in the post-inflationary universe by enhancing the amplitude of the primordial scalar perturbations. In this context, I will discuss single and multi-field realizations with a focus on theoretical aspects of model building, discussing common themes shared among models in conjunction with their distinctive phenomenological implications in the form of a primordial GW background.
Cosmology presents some puzzling aspects: the cosmological constant, the nature of the big bang, the source of inflation, and perhaps the tension in Hubble constant values. One normally uses standard effective field theory to study cosmology. But we know that such an approach fails in black holes due to the information paradox. We will draw on lessons on black holes to see how quantum gravity effects can modify evolution on macroscopic scales, and that such effects may be important is resolving puzzles in cosmology.
EMRIs are one of the primary targets of spaceborne gravitational wave (GW) detectors and will be ideal GW sources for testing fundamental laws of gravity. In a generic non-Kerr spacetime, the EMRI system is non-integrable due to the lack of the Carter constant. As a result, chaos along with resonance islands arise in these systems leaving a non-Kerr signature in the EMRI waveform as proposed in many previous studies. In this work, we systematically analyze the dynamics of an EMRI system near orbital resonances and we have derived an effective resonant Hamiltonian that describes the dynamics of the resonant degree of freedom with the action-angle formalism. We have two major findings: (1) the chaotic orbits in general produce unique commensurate jumps in actions and (2) the EMRI orbits driven by radiation-reaction in general do not cross the resonance islands.
"I describe a candidate for a fundamental physical theory called the causal theory of views. This describes a world constructed by a continual creation of events; where an event is a transition at which a small portion of the possible
becomes actual. I first recall older results which includes the emergence of space and, with space, a non-relativistic N-body quantum dynamics. I next describe recent progress on this model including, in a different limit, a formulation of a cut off quantum field theory, which we describe in terms of an S-Matrix formulation of amplitudes.
The dynamics is specified by an action principle consisting of a kinetic energy and potential energy term.
The former are based on measures of how quickly components of causal change do so with respect to averaged notions. The potential energy terms measure how much local moves alter an observer's ""view"" of the universe, as seen from their perspective.
These results show that quantum dynamics is restored in an N to infinity limit. Measurable non-linear corrections to quantum dynamics emerge to higher order in 1/sqrt{N}. "
Analogical reasoning has a long and distinguished history as a method for making discoveries in physics. I will discuss novel uses of formal analogies in twentieth century particle physics and condensed matter physics. I will then offer some reflections on how methodological lessons from these cases could inform the use of analogies in discoveries related to quantum gravity.
In modern cosmology there is an agreement that the seeds of structure formations resides in the quantum fluctuation of the geometry in the early universe, but there is no agreement about how these could be derived from a quantum theory of gravity. In this talk I present a proposal based on the covariant formulation of Loop Quantum Gravity. I describe how to define a wavefunction of the universe in this context, and a how we can study fluctuations and correlations between spacial regions. The results obtained so far has been made possible by recent progress in numerical computations. I discuss the current state of this research program and the possible implications for modeling the early universe.