Cosmologists at Perimeter Institute seek to help pin down the constituents and history of our universe, and the rules governing its origin and evolution. Many of the most interesting clues about physics beyond the standard model (e.g., dark matter, dark energy, the matter/anti-matter asymmetry, and the spectrum of primordial density perturbations], come from cosmological observations, and cosmological observations are often the best way to test or constrain a proposed modification of the laws of nature, since such observations can probe length scales, time scales, and energy scales that are beyond the reach of terrestrial laboratories.
I will discuss the evolution of a quantum scalar field in a toy universe which has three stages of evolution, viz., (i) an early (inflationary) de Sitter phase (ii) radiation-dominated phase and (iii) late-time (cosmological constant dominated) de Sitter phase. Using the Schr\"odinger picture, the scalar field equations are solved separately for the three stages and matched at the transition points. The boundary conditions are chosen so that field modes in the early de Sitter phase evolve from the Bunch-Davies vacuum state. I shall look the (time-dependent) particle content of this quantum state for the entire evolution of the universe and describe the various features both numerically and analytically. I shall also describe the quantum to classical transition in terms of a classicality parameter which tracks the particle creation and its effect on phase space correlation of the quantum field.
Peculiar velocities - deviations from Hubble expansion - are the only practical probe of the growth of matter density fluctuations on very large scales in the nearby Universe. I will discuss recent measurements of quantities of cosmological interest from our group and others. One is the "bulk" flow of nearby galaxies with respect to the frame defined by the Cosmic Microwave Background, and what this tells us about fluctuations on large very spatial scales. The second is the measurement of the growth rate of fluctuations, a critical test of Lambda CDM and modified gravity models.
There need not be any conflict between unitarity, locality, and regularity of the horizon in black hole evaporation. I discuss a scenario in which the initial collapse that forms the black hole results in a small non-singular core inside an inner event horizon. This core grows as the result of quantum back-reaction associated with the increasing entanglement entropy of Hawking radiation quanta and their partners trapped inside the core. By the Page time the inner and outer apparent horizons either merge into a degenerate horizon, shutting off the Hawking radiation and leaving a massive remnant, or they disappear completely, allowing the trapped quantum information to escape. The scenario is justified by appeals to the Bousso covariant entropy bound and the ER=EPR conjecture. The talk is largely based on
We relate CMB anomalies and the recent observational evidence of primordial gravitational waves. Two aspects are investigated:
(a) Several anomalies are spotted on the low ell temperature map of the WMAP and Planck experiments. However, those anomalies disappear at high ell. We propose that those low ell temperature anomalies may come from nearly scale invariant anomalies of the tensor sector. Those anomalies on the temperature map naturally decay towards small scales, characterized by the tensor-to-temperature radiation transfer function.
(b) The anomalies introduced by the gravitational waves discovery. Strong tension is noticed between the BICEP2 and Planck data. We study in detail how blue tilt of the tensor spectrum reconciles the tension between those datasets.
The talk is based on joint work with Yuri Manin (arXiv:1402.2158). Using algebro-geometric blowups it is possible to construct a family of models of gluing of aeons across a Big-Bang type singularity, which includes the case of Penrose's conformally cyclic cosmology, as well as inflationary multiverse models generalizing the "eternal symmetree", and BKLL mixmaster type cosmologies. Using the mixmaster dynamics, formulated in terms of elliptic curves and modular curves, we speculate on the geometry of cosmological time near the gluing of aeons. We show also that this type of model allows for phenomena of noncommutativity of spacetime coordinates near the Big-Bang and the crossing of aeons.
Accreting supermassive black holes in the centres of galaxies (i.e. Active Galactic Nuclei - AGN) are now known to play a prominent role in the growth of galaxies through cosmic time. The fundamental parameters to explain the whole range of observed properties of these accreting systems, however, is still elusive. We will present some results from multi-wavelength investigations of the nature of accreting supermassive black holes, including those that produce low kinetic power jets as well as high kinetic power, relativistic jets.
I will try to explain how cosmological coincidence of the two values, the matter energy density and the dark energy density, at the present epoch based on a single scalar field model whith a quartic potential, non-mimimally interacting with gravity. Dark energy in this model originates from the potential energy of the scalar field, which is sourced by the appearance of non-relativistic matter at the time z~ 10^10. No fine tuning of parameter are neccessary.
The singularity theorems of general relativity tell us that spacetime singularities form in gravitational collapse, but tell us very little about the precise nature of these singularities. More information can be found using analytic approximations and numerical simulations. It is conjectured that inside black holes are two types of singularities: one that is spacelike, local, and oscillatory, and the other that is null and weak. This talk will review what numerical simulations of singularities have been done and the extent to which the above conjecture has been verified by the simulations.
One of the most basic but intriguing properties of quantum systems is their ability to `tunnel' between configurations which are classically disconnected. That is, processes which are classically impossible, are quantum allowed. In this talk I will outline a new, first-principles approach combining the semiclassical approximation with the concepts of post-selection and weak measurement. Its main virtue is to provide a real-time description within which sharp answers can be given to questions such as 'how long did the tunneling take' and 'where was the particle while it was tunneling?' Potential applications span a vast range, from laboratory tests to understanding black hole evaporation, the stability of the electroweak Higgs vacuum and the future of our universe, and the validity (or otherwise) of the "inflationary multiverse" scenario.
A variable speed of light (VSL) cosmology is developed with a spontaneous breaking of Lorentz invariance in the early universe. A non-minimal electromagnetic coupling to curvature and the resulting quantum electrodynamic vacuum polarization dispersive medium can produce c >> c0 in the early universe, where c0 is the measured speed of light today. Higher derivative curvature contributions to the effective gravitational action and quantum gravity vacuum polarization can produce a dispersive medium and a large increase in the speed of gravitational waves cg >> cg0 in the early universe, where cg0 is the speed of gravitational waves today. The initial value problems of cosmology are solved: the horizon and flatness problems. The model predicts primordial scalar and tensor fluctuation spectral indices ns=0.96 and nt=- 0.04, respectively. The BICEP2 observation of r=0.2 yields r/nt=-5 which is close to the single-field inflationary consistency condition r/nt=-8.
In scalar-tensor gravity, black holes do not obey the Jebsen-Birkhoff theorem. Non-isolated black holes can be highly dynamical and the teleological concept of event horizon is replaced by the apparent or trapping horizon. Dynamical solutions describing inhomogeneities embedded in cosmological "backgrounds" and the phenomenology of their apparent horizons, which often appear/vanish in pairs, will be described. Isolated black holes, in contrast, have no hair and are the same as in general relativity.
We identify a new non-linear neutrino wake effect, due to the streaming motions of neutrinos relative to dark matter, analogous to the Tseliakhovich-Hirata effect. We compute the effect in moving background perturbation theory, compare to direct n-body simulations, and forecast its observability in current and future surveys. Depending on neutrino mass, this effect could be observable in upcoming surveys through a cross correlation dipole in lensing and galaxies. Unlike previous cosmological neutrino effects, this depends primarily on neutrino mass, making it complementary to measurements that depend on neutrino density.