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Superselection Rules and Quantum Protocols


Mayers, D. (2003). Superselection Rules and Quantum Protocols. Perimeter Institute.

Dominic Mayers

University of Sherbrooke

Talk number
Superselection rules are limitations on the physically realizable quantum operations that can be carried out by a local agent. For example, it is impossible to cre­ate or destroy an isolated particle that carries locally conserved charges, such as an electrically charged particle, a fermion, or (in a two­ dimensional medium) an anyon. Recently, Popescu has suggested that su­perselection rules might have interesting implications for the security of quantum cryptographic protocols. The intuitive idea behind this suggestion is that superselec­tion rules could place inescapable limits on the cheat­ing strategies available to the dishonest parties, thus en­hancing security. Might, say, unconditionally secure bit commitment be possible in worlds (perhaps including the physical world that we inhabit) governed by suitable su­perselection rules? An affirmative answer could shake the foundations of cryptography. The purpose of this paper is to answer Popescu's in­triguing question. Sadly, our conclusion is that superse­lection rules can never foil a cheater who has unlimited quantum­ computational power.