3961 - 3972 of 16353 Results
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Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
A non-minimal perspective on the misalignment mechanism
Universität Heidelberg -
Inelastic dark matter revives the dark photon explanation of the muon g-2 anomaly.
Simon Fraser University (SFU) -
General Relativity for Cosmology - Lecture 7
University of Waterloo -
PSI 2019/2020 - Statistical Mechanics (Vieira)
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical PhysicsPIRSA:19090119 -
Tilting bundles and 3-dimensional field theory
University of Waterloo -
General Relativity for Cosmology - Lecture 6
University of Waterloo -
Anomalous weak values and contextuality: robustness, tightness, and imaginary parts
Funds for Scientific Research - FNRS -
Bosonization and the shear sound of metals
Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems