Condensed matter physics is the branch of physics that studies systems of very large numbers of particles in a condensed state, like solids or liquids. Condensed matter physics wants to answer questions like: why is a material magnetic? Or why is it insulating or conducting? Or new, exciting questions like: what materials are good to make a reliable quantum computer? Can we describe gravity as the behavior of a material? The behavior of a system with many particles is very different from that of its individual particles. We say that the laws of many body physics are emergent or collective. Emergence explains the beauty of physics laws.
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National Taiwan University
Gapless spin liquids in frustrated Heisenberg models
SISSA International School for Advanced Studies -
Bulk-Edge Correspondence in 2+1-Dimensional Abelian Topological Phases
University of California System -
Scattering of emerging excitations in Matrix Product States
Ghent University -
Helical edge resistance introduced by charge disorder
Yale University -
The unitary Fermi gas across the superfluid transition
University of Massachusetts Amherst -
Fibonacci Anyons From Abelian Bilayer Quantum Hall States
Cornell University -
Are superselection rules fundamental?
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
DMRG Analysis of Mobile Impurities and Orbital-selective Mott Phases
Universidad de los Andes