Particle physics is the science which identifies nature's constituents and interactions at the most fundamental level, with an emphasis on comparing theoretical ideas with both terrestrial experiments and astrophysical observations. This mandate gives it a strong overlap with string theory, quantum gravity and cosmology. Particle physicists at Perimeter Institute are currently involved in identifying how cosmological observations and terrestrial accelerator and underground experiments constrain the theoretical possibilities for physics beyond the Standard Model.
Displaying 421 - 432 of 1410
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Microwave Kinetic Inductance Detectors for Exoplanets and Light Dark Matter
University of California, Santa Barbara -
Coscattering: a fourth exception in the calculation of relic abundances
New York University (NYU) -
Atomic spin squeezing - concepts and experiments
Stanford University -
Gravitational waves from the sound of a first-order phase transition
University of Helsinki -
Constraining a Thin Dark Matter Disk with Gaia
University of California, San Diego -
Thermal Relics Below an MeV
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) -
Is Self-Interacting Dark Matter Undergoing Dark Fusion?
Fermi National Accelerator Laboratory (Fermilab) -
Using LISA-like Gravitational Wave Detectors to Search for Primordial Black Holes
University of Michigan–Ann Arbor -
Cosmology and Signals of Strongly Interacting Dark Sectors
York University -
Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) - School of Natural Sciences (SNS)