Quantum foundations concerns the conceptual and mathematical underpinnings of quantum theory. In particular, we search for novel quantum effects, consider how to interpret the formalism, ask where the formalism comes from, and how we might modify it. Research at Perimeter Institute is particularly concerned with reconstructing quantum theory from more natural postulates and reformulating the theory in ways that elucidate its conceptual structure. Research in the foundations of quantum theory naturally interfaces with research in quantum information and quantum gravity.
Displaying 1141 - 1152 of 1183
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University of Turku
Higher-Dimensional Algebra: A Language for Quantum Spacetime
University of California, Riverside -
From Physics to Information Theory and Back
Western University -
Dynamic Time: The "Missing Link" in the Search for a Unified Theory?
Israeli Institute for Advanced Research -
Generalizing Quantum Mechanics for Quantum Spacetime
University of California, Santa Barbara -
Liouville mechanics with an epistemic restriction and Bohr's response to EPR
Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics -
Limits on efficient computation in the physics world
The University of Texas at Austin -