Quantum foundations concerns the conceptual and mathematical underpinnings of quantum theory. In particular, we search for novel quantum effects, consider how to interpret the formalism, ask where the formalism comes from, and how we might modify it. Research at Perimeter Institute is particularly concerned with reconstructing quantum theory from more natural postulates and reformulating the theory in ways that elucidate its conceptual structure. Research in the foundations of quantum theory naturally interfaces with research in quantum information and quantum gravity.
Displaying 1153 - 1164 of 1183
Format results
Quantum computation: where does the speedup come from?
University of Maryland, College Park -
Inflationary cosmology as a probe of primordial quantum mechanics
Clemson University -
Bohm-Bell beables for quantum field theory
Griffith University -
Spacetime regions as "quantum subsystems": glimmers of a pre-geometric perspective
Aix-Marseille University -
Complementarity, Entanglement - and No End to Uncertainty
University of York -
Bohm Trajectories, Feynman Paths ans Subquantum Dynamical Processes
Toronto Metropolitan University -
Pilot-wave theory for the standard model
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven
Noncommtuative geometry and the origin of time
Queen Mary University of London