Quantum gravity is concerned with unifying Einstein's general theory of relativity with quantum theory into a single theoretical framework. At Perimeter Institute, researchers are actively pursuing a number of approaches to this problem including loop quantum gravity, spin foam models, asymptotic safety, emergent gravity, string theory, and causal set theory. We are also particularly interested in experimental implications of these different proposals. As the aim is a unification of the laws of physics into a single theory, the search for quantum gravity overlaps with other areas such as cosmology, particle physics and the foundations of quantum theory.
Displaying 109 - 120 of 1333
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University of Würzburg
Positivity Bounds and Effective Fields Theories (A Review)
Imperial College London -
Lessons of the Effective Field Theory Treatment of General Relativity
University of Massachusetts Amherst -
3 short stories about the quantum <-> gravity interface
French National Centre for Scientific Research (CNRS) -
Metric signature transitions and the cosmological constant
University of Sheffield -
Weyl-Ambient Metrics, Obstruction Tensors and Their Roles in Holography
University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign -
Creases, corners and caustics: properties of non-smooth structures on black hole horizons
University of Cambridge -
Asymptotic structure and the characterisation of gravitational
University of the Basque Country -
Asymptotic structure and the characterisation of gravitational radiation at infinity
University of the Basque Country -
Merged talks - An effective field theory for non-maximal quantum chaos; 66- Effective description of sub-maximal chaos: stringy effects for SYK scrambling
Massachusetts Institute of Technology
University of Southampton
Asymptotic-safety inspired results and ideas in causal set quantum gravity
University of Southern Denmark