Quantum mechanics redefines information and its fundamental properties. Researchers at Perimeter Institute work to understand the properties of quantum information and study which information processing tasks are feasible, and which are infeasible or impossible. This includes research in quantum cryptography, which studies the trade-off between information extraction and disturbance, and its applications. It also includes research in quantum error correction, which involves the study of methods for protecting information against decoherence. Another important side of the field is studying the application of quantum information techniques and insights to other areas of physics, including quantum foundations and condensed matter.
Displaying 85 - 96 of 1333
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Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics
Causally faithful unitary circuit decompositions
University of Oxford -
Identifying classical Markovian causal models from generalized observation
University of Oxford -
Correlations and quantum circuits with dynamical causal order
Institut Néel, CNRS -
Classical causal models in string diagrams
Quantinuum -
Tsirelson bounds for quantum correlations with indefinite causal order
The University of Hong Kong -
What, in the world, is a violation of causal faithfulness?
University of Toronto -
Generalizing Bell non locality without global causal constraints
Aix-Marseille University -
Can the quantum switch be deterministically simulated?
University of Geneva -
Indefinite causal order and the arrow of time
University of Hong Kong (HKU) -
Tutorial - Indefinite quantum causality
Institut Neel