Guided by idealized but soluble nonrenormalizable models, a nontraditional proposal for the quantization of covariant scalar field theories is advanced, which achieves a term-by-term, divergence-free perturbation analysis of interacting models expanded about a suitable pseudofree theory [differing from a free theory by an $O(\hbar^2)$ term]. This procedure not only provides acceptable solutions for models for which no acceptable solution currently exists, e.g., $\varphi^4_n$, for spacetime dimension $n\ge4$, but offers a new, divergence-free solution, for less-singular models as well, e.g., $\varphi^4_n$, for $n=2,3$.
"Conventional" superconductivity is one of the most dramatic phenomena in condensed matter physics, and yet by the 1970's it was fully understood - a solved problem much like quantum electrodynamics. The discovery of high temperature superconductivity changed all that and opened the door, not only to higher Tc's, but also to a wealth of even more exotic phenomena, including things like topologically ordered superconductors with factional vortices and non-Abelian statistics. I will describe some of the evolution of the field of exotic superconductivity, with a focus on recent theoretical and experimental work which sheds light on whether strontium ruthenate supports topological chiral superconductivity.
In this talk we quickly review the basics of the modal "toy model" of quantum theory described by Schumacher in his September 22 colloquium at PI. We then consider how the theory addresses more general open systems. Because the modal theory has a more primitive mathematical structure than actual quantum mechanics, it lacks density operators, positive operator measurements, and completely positive maps. As we will show, however, modal quantum theory has an elegant description of the states, effects and operations of open modal systems -- a description with close analogies to actual quantum mechanics.
If dark matter consists of a multiplet with small mass splittings, it is possible to simultaneously account for DAMA/CoGeNT hints of direct detection and the INTEGRAL 511 keV gamma ray excess from the galactic center; such dark matter must be in the 4-12 GeV mass range. I present scenarios where the DM transforms under a hidden SU(2) that can account for these observations. These models can be tested in low-energy beam dump experiments, like APEX. To explain PAMELA/Fermi excess electrons from dark matter annihilations, heavier TeV scale DM is required. I will present new more stringent constraints from Fermi gamma ray data that tend to rule out such models. However we find a loophole: DM annihilations in a nearby DM subhalo, between us and the galactic center, could provide the excess leptons while respecting gamma ray constraints.
This talk will focus on hypermultiplet moduli spaces of various N=2 supersymmetric gauge theories in (3+1)d. In the first part of the talk, we discuss the moduli space of instantons on C^2. For the classical groups, the ADHM construction of the moduli space can be realised on the Higgs branch of N=2 gauge theories on D3-branes probing D7-branes. No known construction is available for exceptional groups. We go over the computation of Hilbert series for the one instanton moduli space and show that it is possible to count all chiral operators on the moduli space even though a Lagrangian is not known for exceptional gauge groups. In the second part, we discuss a class of N=2 gauge theories on two M5-branes wrapping Riemann surfaces. This talk will go over Hilbert series for the hypermultiplet moduli space of such theories and show that it is possible to count all chiral operators on the hypermultiplet moduli space for any genus and any number of punctures of the Riemann surface.