The sneutrino is a viable NLSP candidate in SUSY with gravitino LSP. In
my talk I will focus on this possibility, in particular concentrating on
the question of whether the LHC can distinguish spectra with a sneutrino
NLSP from alternatives, e.g. ones with neutralino LSP. I will show that
there are at least two different families of experimentally allowed
spectra with sneutrino NLSP which exhibit distinctive multilepton
signals. These spectra are not easy to fake within the MSSM. I will
discuss these signals in detail and illustrate our analysis approach on
This course begins with a thorough introduction to quantum field theory. Unlike the usual quantum field theory courses which aim at applications to particle physics, this course then focuses on those quantum field theoretic techniques that are important in the presence of gravity. In particular, this course introduces the properties of quantum fluctuations of fields and how they are affected by curvature and by gravitational horizons. We will cover the highly successful inflationary explanation of the fluctuation spectrum of the cosmic microwave background - and therefore the modern understanding of the quantum origin of all inhomogeneities in the universe (see these amazing visualizations from the data of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey. They display the inhomogeneous distribution of galaxies several billion light years into the universe: Sloan Digital Sky Survey).
After a review of the axiomatic formulation of quantum theory, the generalized operational structure of the theory will be introduced (including POVM measurements, sequential measurements, and CP maps). There will be an introduction to the orthodox (sometimes called Copenhagen) interpretation of quantum mechanics and the historical problems/issues/debates regarding that interpretation, in particular, the measurement problem and the EPR paradox, and a discussion of contemporary views on these topics. The majority of the course lectures will consist of guest lectures from international experts covering the various approaches to the interpretation of quantum theory (in particular, many-worlds, de Broglie-Bohm, consistent/decoherent histories, and statistical/epistemic interpretations, as time permits) and fundamental properties and tests of quantum theory (such as entanglement and experimental tests of Bell inequalities, contextuality, macroscopic quantum phenomena, and the problem of quantum gravity, as time permits).
Last May, NASA astronauts performed a challenging and flawless Space Shuttle servicing mission to the orbiting Hubble Space Telescope. With science instruments repaired on board and incredible new ones installed, the observatory is more powerful now than ever before. I will show the dramatic highlights of the mission, and present some of the first results from the refurbished telescope. The sensitivity and multi-wavelength capabilities are revealing the highest redshift galaxies ever seen as well as details of the cosmic web of intergalactic medium, large scale structure formation, and stellar evolution. Studies of dark matter, dark energy, and exoplanet atmospheres add to the profound contributions to astrophysics that Hubble is making, at the new apex of its capabilities.