Our universe has a split personality: quantum and relativity. Understanding how the two can coexist, i.e. how our universe can exist, is one of the greatest challenges facing theoretical physicists in the 21st century. Join us for a simple but mind-bending thought experiment that hints at some fascinating new ways of thinking that may be required to unravel this mystery. Could the world be like a hologram? This half hour multimedia presentation provides refreshing insight into how science works – how theoretical physicists search for the ultimate nature of reality, and is followed by a half hour question and answer session with a leading scientist in the field.
Suppose we are given two probability distributions on some N-element set. How many samples do we need to test whether the two distributions are close or far from each other in the L_1 norm? This problem known as Statistical Difference has been extensively studied during the last years in the field of property testing. I will describe quantum algorithms for Statistical Difference problem that provide a polynomial speed up in terms of the query complexity compared to the known classical lower bounds. Specifically, I will assume that each distribution can be generated by querying an oracle function on a random uniformly distributed input string. It will be shown that testing whether distributions are orthogonal requires approximately N^{1/2} queries classically and approximately N^{1/3} queries quantumly. Testing whether distributions are close requires approximately N^{2/3} queries classically and O(N^{1/2}) queries quantumly. This is a joint work with Aram Harrow (University of Bristol) and Avinatan Hassidim (The Hebrew University).
Astronomers have discovered many candidate black holes in the universe and have studied their properties in ever-increasing detail. Over the last decade, a few groups have developed observational tests for the presence of event horizons in candidate black holes. The talk will discuss one of these tests, which indicates that the supermassive black hole at the center of our Galaxy must have a horizon.
I will discuss the possibility that a 'Wilson line' degree of freedom can play the role of an inflaton in a warped flux compactification, in the context of the DBI inflationary scenario. I will show how warped DBI Wilson line inflation offers an attractive alternative to ordinary (position field) DBI inflation, inasmuch as observational and theoretical constraints get considerably relaxed. Thus, besides the large non-Gaussianities produced in DBI scenarios, Wilson lines allow for an observable amount of gravitational waves, within consistent approximations.
Our universe is unquestionably quantum in nature. What does this mean? Why does it matter? What’s in it for me? Join us for a fun and fascinating session on “what you need to know about the quantum.” Find out why we can’t live without it. Discover what’s so unbelievably quirky about it. And learn how it empowers amazing technologies, from present day (e.g. every electronic device on the planet) to future possibilities including quantum computing and global quantum communication. The half hour multimedia presentation will be followed by a half hour question and answer session with a leading scientist in the field. The future is quantum. Find out why.
Over the last two years, the Compact Muon Solenoid (CMS) detector has been installed in the tunnel of the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) at CERN and commissioned to its full functionality. The CMS detector successfully collected beam halo and beam dump data, while the beams were circulating in the LHC in September 2008. After the LHC incident, the commissioning of CMS continued with a one month campaign of continuous cosmic rays data taking at nominal magnetic field. This allowed further tuning of the detector, consolidation of its operation and characterization of its performances. In this talk, the status of the CMS detector and its performance, in view of LHC collisions in 2009, will be described.
This course provides a thorough introduction to the bosonic string based on the Polyakov path integral and conformal field theory. We introduce central ideas of string theory, the tools of conformal field theory, the Polyakov path integral, and the covariant quantization of the string. We discuss string interactions and cover the tree-level and one loop amplitudes. More advanced topics such as T-duality and D-branes will be taught as part of the course. The course is geared for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students enrolled in Collaborative Ph.D. Program in Theoretical Physics. Required previous course work: Quantum Field Theory (AM516 or equivalent). The course evaluation will be based on regular problem sets that will be handed in during the term. The primary text is the book: 'String theory. Vol. 1: An introduction to the bosonic string. J. Polchinski (Santa Barbara, KITP) . 1998. 402pp. Cambridge, UK: Univ. Pr. (1998) 402 p.' All interested students should contact Alex Buchel at [email protected] as soon as possible.
This course provides a thorough introduction to the bosonic string based on the Polyakov path integral and conformal field theory. We introduce central ideas of string theory, the tools of conformal field theory, the Polyakov path integral, and the covariant quantization of the string. We discuss string interactions and cover the tree-level and one loop amplitudes. More advanced topics such as T-duality and D-branes will be taught as part of the course. The course is geared for M.Sc. and Ph.D. students enrolled in Collaborative Ph.D. Program in Theoretical Physics. Required previous course work: Quantum Field Theory (AM516 or equivalent). The course evaluation will be based on regular problem sets that will be handed in during the term. The primary text is the book: 'String theory. Vol. 1: An introduction to the bosonic string. J. Polchinski (Santa Barbara, KITP) . 1998. 402pp. Cambridge, UK: Univ. Pr. (1998) 402 p.' All interested students should contact Alex Buchel at [email protected] as soon as possible.
We derive geometric correlation functions in the new spinfoam model with coherent states techniques, making connection with quantum Regge calculus and perturbative quantum gravity. In particular we recover the expected scaling with distance for all components of the propagator. We expect the same technique to be well-suited for other spinfoam models.
To interface photons with solid-state devices, we investigated the coupling of optically active quantum dots with optical micro- and nano-cavities. Initial experimental progress have led to the unexpected observation of ultra low threshold lasing of a photonic crystal defect mode cavity embedded with only 1 to 3 InAs self-assembled quantum dots as gain medium. Photon correlation measurements confirmed the transition from a thermal light source to a coherent light source. We also report on micro-pillar cavities with integrated oxidation apertures and electronic gates that provide an 80MHz single photon source with controllable polarization. A second set of experiments will be addressed that has as long-term aim the transfer of a superposition of a photon propagating in two directions into a superposition of two center-of-mass motions of a tiny mirror that is placed in one path of the photon. A crucial part of the proposed experiment is an optical cavity with one end mirror as small as 20 µm in diameter attached to a high Q mechanical cantilever. Such a system has been achieved with an optical quality factor of 2,100 and a mechanical quality factor of 100,000. This provides an excellent interferometric measurement of the thermal motion of the micro-mechanical system. The thermal motion of the center-of-mass mode can be counter acted using a feedback circuit to modulate an additional optical force. Experimental results will be shown that demonstrate the optical cooling from room temperature to 135 mK.
We have only scratched the surface of the potential for using large-scale structure (LSS) as a probe of fundamental physics/cosmology, i.e., quantitatively, we have only measured a small fraction of a percent of the accessible LSS information. Future measurements will probe dark energy, inflation, dark matter properties, neutrino masses, modifications of gravity, etc. with unprecedented precision. I will discuss three probes of LSS: the traditional galaxy redshift survey, the Lyman-alpha forest (LyaF), and the new idea of 21 cm intensity mapping; and two future experiments that cover these probes: SDSS-III/BOSS (galaxies and LyaF) and the proposed CHIME (21 cm). I will discuss recent theoretical/phenomenological developments that promise to greatly enhance the power of LSS surveys, related to the connection between bias, redshift-space distortions, and non-Gaussianity.