In recent years there has been a lot of interest in F-Theory GUTs, mostly considering local models. In this talk I first consider an SU(5) GUT locally at the "point of E_8". The requirements of proton stability and reasonable flavour structure single out exactly two models. However, both models cannot be embedded in a semilocal construction (via the spectral cover approach). This casts doubts on the predictivity of local models.
I will discuss the phenomenologically interesting scenario of matter inflation in supersymmetric hybrid inflation models. The inflaton resides in a gauge non-singlet matter multiplet and the eta-problem is solved by a "Heisenberg" symmetry. This symmetry relates the inflaton with a modulus field and we stabilize this modulus via corrections to the Kähler potential. The Heisenberg symmetry arises naturally for the untwisted matter fields in heterotic orbifolds. A way to embed matter inflation into heterotic orbifold compactifications is suggested and moduli stabilization in the extended setup is discussed. I argue that the corrections from moduli stabilization may not spoil the flatness of the inflaton potential at large radius.
I will first summarize recent exact localization computations of supersymmetric gauge theories, and then discuss curious connections between SUSY/non-SUSY theories coming from 6d (2,0) theories. I particular, I will focus on our recent proposal relating 3d N=2 theories and 3d SL(2,R) Chern-Simons theories (or more mathematically, geometry of 3-manifolds).