Massive accretion disks may form from the merger of neutron star (NS)-NS or black hole-NS binaries, or following the accretion-induced collapse (AIC) of a white dwarf. These disks, termed `hyper-accreting' due to their accretion rates up to several solar masses per second, may power the relativistic jets responsible for short duration gamma-ray bursts. Using 1D time-dependent calculations of hyper-accreting disks, I show that a generic consequence of the disk's late-time evolution is the development of a powerful outflow, powered by viscous heating and the recombination of free nuclei into Helium. These outflows - in additional to any material dynamically-ejected during the merger - synthesize heavy radioactive elements as they expand into space. Nuclear heating from the r-process is not yet incorporated in merger simulations, yet has important consequences both for the dynamics of late `fall-back' accretion and in powering a supernova-like transient (`kilonova') 1 day following the merger or AIC.
Massive accretion disks may form from the merger of neutron star (NS)-NS or black hole-NS binaries, or following the accretion-induced collapse (AIC) of a white dwarf. These disks, termed `hyper-accreting' due to their accretion rates up to several solar masses per second, may power the relativistic jets responsible for short duration gamma-ray bursts. Using 1D time-dependent calculations of hyper-accreting disks, I show that a generic consequence of the disk's late-time evolution is the development of a powerful outflow, powered by viscous heating and the recombination of free nuclei into Helium. These outflows - in additional to any material dynamically-ejected during the merger - synthesize heavy radioactive elements as they expand into space. Nuclear heating from the r-process is not yet incorporated in merger simulations, yet has important consequences both for the dynamics of late `fall-back' accretion and in powering a supernova-like transient (`kilonova') 1 day following the merger or AIC.
By combining insights from black holes and string theory we argue for the existence of a hidden phase space associated with an underlying fast dynamical system, which is largely invisible from a macroscopic point of view. The dynamical system is influenced by slow macroscopic observables, such as positions of objects. This leads to a collection of reaction forces, whose leading order Born Oppenheimer force is determined by the general principle that the phase space volume of the underlying system is preserved. We propose that this adiabatic force is responsible for inertia and gravity. This fact allows us to calculate the hidden phase space volume from the known laws of inertia and gravity. We find that in a cosmological setting the appearance of dark energy is naturally explained by the finite temperature of the underlying system. The adiabatic approximation that leads to the usual laws of inertia and gravity breaks down in the neighborhood of horizons. In this regime the reaction force degenerates into an entropic force, and the laws of inertia and gravity receive corrections due to thermal effects. A simple estimate of these effects leads to the conclusion that they coincide with observed phenomena attributed to dark matter.
The energy generated by the r-process can impact the dynamics of neutron star mergers. Solving a full r-process network coupled with the hydrodynamics becomes the necessary but it is computational very expensive. We have developed a simple model that can be implemented into hydrodynamic simulations and gives a very good estimate of the r-process heating.
We make some remarks about the semiclassical wavefunction of the universe around de-Sitter space. In five dimensional gravity with a positive cosmological constant it is possible to compute the full semiclassical measure for arbitrary geometries at superhorizon scales. In four dimensions, the same computation can be reformulated as a problem in conformal gravity.
A stalled core-collapse supernova shock is unstable to non-spherical perturbations, in what is known as the Standing Accretion Shock Instability (SASI). This instability is global and oscillatory, affecting the region between the protoneutron star surface and the shock. I'll discuss several insights into this instability obtained by combining linear stability analysis and time-dependent simulations, using simple prescriptions for the microphysics that capture the essential physics of the problem.
Six dimensional (1, 0) supergravity theories have received recent attention due to the fact that the strong constraints coming from anomalies severely restrict the theory. These constraints are restrictive enough that it is possible to get a rather good handle on the space of theories that do not exhibit any (known) inconsistencies. Many useful observations can be made by studying this space of theories. In particular, the process of comparing these theories with six-dimensional string vacua turns out to be fruitful in many aspects. I will be presenting the lessons learned from research in this direction.
We compute the partition function of quantum Einstein gravity in three dimensional de Sitter space. The Euclidean path integral is formulated as a sum over geometries, including both perturbative loop and non-perturbative instanton corrections coming from geometries with non-trivial topology. These non-trivial geometries have a natural physical interpretation and lead to deviations from the standard thermal behaviour of the de Sitter horizon; this is the de Sitter analog of the celebrated "black hole Farey tail." Perturbative quantum corrections are computed to all orders in perturbation theory and the vacuum partition function, including all instanton and perturbative corrections, is shown to diverge in a way which can not be regulated using standard field theory techniques. Thus the Hartle-Hawking state is not normalizable.