In many physical scenarios, close relations between the bulk properties of quantum systems and theories associated to their boundaries have been observed. In this work, we provide an exact duality mapping between the bulk of a quantum spin system and its boundary using Projected Entangled Pair States (PEPS). This duality associates to every region a Hamiltonian on its boundary, in such a way that the entanglement spectrum of the bulk corresponds to the excitation spectrum of the boundary Hamiltonian. We study various specific models, like a deformed AKLT , an Ising-type , and Kitaev's toric code, both in finite ladders and infinite square lattices. In the latter case, some of those models display quantum phase transitions. We find that a gapped bulk phase with local order corresponds to a boundary Hamiltonian with local interactions, whereas critical behavior in the bulk is reflected on a diverging interaction length of the boundary Hamiltonian. Furthermore, topologically ordered states yield non-local Hamiltonians. As our duality also associates a boundary operator to any operator in the bulk, it in fact provides a full holographic framework for the study of quantum many-body systems via their boundary. Work done in collaboration with Didier Poilblanc, Norbert Schuch, and Frank Verstraete.
Conformal Field Theory is the language in which we often think about strong dynamics, be that in Condensed Matter, Quantum Gravity, or Beyond the Standard Model Physics. AdS/CFT led to significant advances of our understanding. What should come next?
Ideal measurements are described in quantum mechanics textbooks by two postulates: the collapse of the wave packet and BornâÂÂs rule for the probabilities of outcomes. The quantum evolution of a system then has two components: a unitary (Hamiltonian) evolution in between measurements and non-unitary one when a measurement is performed. This situation was considered to be unsatisfactory by many people, including Einstein, Bohr, de Broglie, von Neumann and Wigner, but has remained unsolved to date.
The quantum measurement problem, that is, understanding why a unique outcome is obtained in each individual run of an experiment, is tackled by solving a Hamiltonian model within standard quantum statistical mechanics. The model describes the measurement of the z-component of a spin through interaction with a magnetic memory. The latter apparatus is modeled by a CurieâÂÂWeiss magnet having N â« 1 spins weakly coupled to a phonon bath.
The Hamiltonian evolution exhibits several time scales. The reduction, a rapid decay of the off-diagonal blocks of the systemâÂÂapparatus density matrix, arises from the many degrees of freedom of the pointer (the magnetization). The registration occurs due to a phase transition from the initial metastable state to one of the final stable states triggered by the tested system. It yields a stationary state in which the apparatus and the system are correlated. Under proper conditions the process satisfies all the features of ideal measurements, including collapse and BornâÂÂs rule.
As usual, irreversibility is ensured by the macroscopic size of the apparatus, in particular by the large value of N. Nothing else than the usual quantum statistical mechanics and Schro ÃÂdinger equation is needed, and the results support a specified version of the statistical interpretation. The solution of the quantum measurement problem requires a combination of the reduction and the registration, the properties of which arise from the irreversible dynamics.
I will discuss a holographic model whose low-energy physics may be used to build a marginal Fermi liquid. The model has several interesting features, including (i.) it is embedded in string theory and we possess a Lagrangian description of the field theory, (ii.) it exhibits a first-order transition between the non-Fermi liquid phase and a normal Fermi liquid phase, and (iii.) the model involves a lattice of heavy defects interacting with a sea of propagating fields.