The effective field theory framework yields a systematic treatment of gravitational bound states such as binary systems. Gravitational waves emitted from compact binaries are one of the prime event candidates at direct detection experiments. Due to the multiple scales involved in the binary problem, an effective field theory treatment yields many advantages in perturbative calculations. My talk will review the setup of the effective field theory framework and report on recent progress in gravitational wave phenomenology.
I consider systems that consist of a few hot and a few cold two-level systems and define heat engines as unitaries that extract energy. These unitaries perform logical operations whose complexity depends on both the desired efficiency and the temperature quotient. I show cases where the optimal heat engine solves a hard computational task (e.g. an NP-hard problem) [2]. Heat engines can also drive refrigerators and use the temperature difference between two systems for cooling a third one. I argue that these triples of systems define a classification of thermodynamic resources [1]. All the above assumes that unitaries are implemented by an external controller. To get a thermodynamically reversible process, the joint process on system and controller must be reversible. Then, the implementation of the joint process requires a "meta-controller", and so on. To study thermodynamic limits without such an infinite sequence of controllers, I introduce the model of "physically universal cellular automata", in which the boundary between system and controller can be shifted (in analogy to the Heisenberg-cut for the quantum measurement problem). I show that this model raises a lot of fundamental questions [3]. Literature: [1] Janzing et al: Thermodynamic cost of reliability and low temperatures: Tightening Landauer's principle and the second law, J. Stat. Phys. 2000 [2] Janzing: On the computation power of molecular heat engines, J. Stat. Phys. 2006 [3] Janzing: Is there a physically universal cellular automaton or Hamiltonian? arXiv:1009.1720
Two-party Bell correlation inequalities (that is, inequalities involving only correlations between dichotomic observables at each site, such as the CHSH inequality) are well-understood: Grothendieck's inequality stipulates that the quantum bias can only be a constant factor larger than the classical bias, and the maximally entangled state is always the most nonlocal resource. In part due to the complex nature of multipartite entanglement, tripartite inequalities are much more unwieldy. In a recent breakthrough result, Perez-Garcia et. al. (quant-ph/0702189) showed using tools originating from the study of operator algebras that in this setting the quantum-classical violation could be arbitrarily large. Moreover, they showed that GHZ states could only lead to bounded violations, so that they were not the most non-local states. We extend and simplify their results in a number of ways: - We show that large families of states, including generalizations of GHZ states and stabilizer states, can only lead to bounded violations. - We prove bounds on the maximal quantum-classical violation as a function both of the local dimension (this was already shown in Perez-Garcia et. al., but we give a much simpler proof), and of the number of settings per site. - We provide a simple probabilistic construction of an inequality for which there is an unbounded quantum-classical gap. Our construction is simpler, and has better parameters, than the one in Perez-Garcia It is essentially optimal in terms of the local dimension of one of the parties, and off by a quadratic factor in terms of the number of settings. In this talk I will survey some of these results, focusing on the tools that have so far been useful for their analysis (and do not involve operator algebras!). Based on joint works with Jop Briet, Harry Buhrman, and Troy Lee. Some of this work is available at arXiv:0911.4007.
At the time of recombination, 400,000 years after the Big Bang, the structure of the dark matter distribution was extremely simple and can be inferred directly from observations of structure in the cosmic microwave background. At this time dark matter particles had small thermal velocities and their distribution deviated from uniformity only through a gaussian field of small density fluctuations with associated motions. Later evolution was driven purely by gravity and so obeyed the collisionless Boltzmann equation. This has immediate consequences for the present distribution of dark matter, even in extremely nonlinear regions such as the part of the Galaxy where the Sun resides. I will show how this structure can be followed in full generality by integrating the Geodesic Deviation Equation in tandem with the equations of motion in a high-resolution N-body simulation, enhancing its effective resolution by more than 10 orders of magnitude. I will discuss how the predicted distribution at the Sun's position impacts the expectations for laboratory experiments seeking to detect the dark matter directly, in particular, the possibility of extremely narrow line signals that may be visible in axion detectors.